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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


9. Make Programs Load Faster


This little tweak tends to work for most programs. If your program doesn't load properly just undo the change. For any program:


1. Right-click on the icon/shortcut you use to launch the program

2. Select properties

3. In the 'target' box, add ' /prefetch:1' at the end of the line.

4. Click "Ok"


Voila - your programs will now load faster.


This one didnt work. :rolleyes:



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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


no luck bro


what is it never heard of it

it has lists of all music stores and radio stations and venues and shit in the US with there addresses and phone #'s and contact people.... one of my friends is managing a few artists and he was lookin for it so i figured i would give it a shot... i think you can buy it for like $50 though so ima just tell him to do that... thanks for looking though...


the internet has been down at work for 2 days... this shit sucks... i have so much catching up to do by the time i get home at night its fuckin ridiculous....

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


the internet has been down at work for 2 days... this shit sucks... i have so much catching up to do by the time i get home at night its fuckin ridiculous....


damn fire your network administrator and hire me haha 2 days what the hell they doing? changing servers or something

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Will those flash drives be sold at stores like Best Buy or Circuit City.....?

prolly not till the price goes way down you will never see them products in the US for about 5 more years thats how far we are behind Japan

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Im trying to bypass 8e6 technology blocking software at my school/work. I found a site but it wont let me sign in to my email and *cough* myspace *cough*. I would be gettin da mad props if I found such a way.



12oz Help me be popular.






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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Thought Wrong Im trying to bypass 8e6 technology blocking software at my school/work. I found a site but it wont let me sign in to my email and *cough* myspace *cough*. I would be gettin da mad props if I found such a way.



12oz Help me be popular.








ummm is this like deep freeze software where they block you from selecting anything on the computer besides the internet and notepad things like that or is it a internet proxy blocker?



i got hacks for software blockers but every illegal to do in school/work will get you introulbe with the law not really worth it for the internet proxy stuff easy you can become famous if you are the one doing it


if you got a high speed connection (cable/dsl connection make your computer become its own proxy server no IP blocker tool can read it because it is your own and charge people (friends) 5 dollars a week or something to use it to get out to the open internet now there is a downside to this this will not stop your sites from being tracked and reported back to the school server of where you go so there still is a chance you can get introuble

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


and if no IE?


oh haha yeah well sense you messed up your IE it will still get on there you just wont beable to get to it


just go to your c:\program files\ view ..................something it should be in there if not dont worry about it

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Its just an internet thing. Im guessing it has a list of sites or something. If I try to get to myspace I get a blocked page and the reason why ex: http://www.myspace.com chat/personals


thats all i know. If I go to http://www.proxify.net I can get to myspace and other sites but it wont let me login but it bairley works and I have to do https://


so I dunno what else to say. I didnt quite understand what you said about making my own computer its own proxy server. Sorry I cant be much more help, Im not very comp technically knowledged.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


how do i convert a dvd to play on my psp? i got a 1g mem. stick.

HOW-TO: Get videos and DVDs onto your Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) for free



This week's How-To is only going to apply to the lucky six or seven of you who've managed to already get your hands on a PlayStation Portable, the rest of you will just have keep this one in mind and come back to it when the PSP comes out here in the States in March. We're going to show you step-by-step how to get video clips on to your PSP without having to spring for any additional software.

When you format a Memory Stick Duo or Pro Duo stick in your Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP), you will get a new PSP folder, with sub-folders for ?game?, ?music?, ?photos?, and ?savedata?. But nothing for videos? What?s up with that? Well, it turns out that you need to put MPEG-4 video files in their own special folder, one that?s not in the PSP directory, but in the main root directory of the Memory Stick.

Just create a new folder in the root directory named MP_ROOT, and then make a folder called 100MNV01 in there. So your .MP4 files should go into E:\MP_ROOT\100MNV01, where E:\ is the drive letter of your Memory Stick. You also need a PC, as the converter software does not work with Macs. This MP_ROOT directory structure is directly cribbed from Sony?s UX/VZ Clie PDA series, which also plays MPEG-4 videos. Sony does offer up Image Converter 2.1, but they charge 1000 yen (around $10) for it. We?re going to show you how to do it for free.

First, we need to download 3GP Converter, currently in version 0.22 (2.7MB).



Unzip the 3GPC .ZIP file into a directory of your choice, and run setup.exe. You may see a bunch of weird characters, but don?t worry, it?s set to Japanese by default. Scroll down to the bottom of the 3GP Converter Setup window and select the English radio button, select Customized: MP4, for PSP (Direct, renamed) the then press Apply. This is the setting for conversion of video files to MPEG-4 format that can be played by the PSP, and renamed so your PSP recognizes it (such as M4V31337.MP4). Unfortunately, the PSP currently won?t recognize file names such as TheUsualSuspects.MP4 or TheOCSeason2Episode4.MP4.


Now, the 3GP Converter program window is open (if not, you can double-click the 3GP_Converter.exe program to run it). Click the Select button to choose where you want your converted PSP MP4 video files to reside. We just chose C:\3GP_Converter.


The program may ask you to install QuickTime Authoring before being able to convert your video files. A simple click of the Do It Now button will suffice.


The drop down box is what level quality setting you want your MP4 video to have. All outputted videos will have QVGA (320x240) resolution. You can choose from 15 or 29.97 frames per second, with 29.97 fps being a lot smoother. The third item listed in the quality settings is the video bitrate, the higher the bitrate, the better quality your video will turn out, with the highest quality being 1500kbps. The QB# settings appear to be variable bit rate (VBR) settings, where the converter will use a higher bitrate when necessary. The QB4 setting is the lowest quality VBR option, and QB10 the highest quality VBR. Next is the options for audio, choose between Mono or Stereo. The last bitrate is for your audio quality, you can choose from 32kbps (lower quality) to 128kbps (highest quality). The higher quality setting you choose, the slower it will be to convert.


Now drag whatever file you want to convert into MPEG-4 format into the blank area of the program window. Here we chose a Shark Tale trailer, originally in DivX Pro HD format, to convert with the ?QVGA/29.97fps/1500kbps Stereo/128kbps? setting, the highest quality setting that 3GP supports. When the program is finished converting the video into MP4 format, the program will rename the file to something like M4V04895.MP4.




Now setup the USB connection (or take out your Memory Stick Pro Duo and stick in a reader) on your PSP to copy the video files over. The correct folder name for videos is E:\MP_ROOT\100MNV01 (where E: is the drive letter of your PSP). Copy your .MP4 video(s) over (the .THM files that 3GP Converter creates are not necessary for playback), and then disconnect the PSP USB connection by pressing the X button.


Scroll over to Video in your PSP menu and select it by pressing the O button. It should list your converted MP4, with title, date, and length of video. Press O again and it will start playing.






There are four screen display modes, which you can choose from by pressing the triangle button. Scroll up to Screen Mode (2nd from left on the top row) and use the O button to scroll between Normal, Zoom, Full Screen, and Original modes. Normal is fine

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>





So what are you waiting for?



1. You'll only see porn when you want to.


Sick of seeing pornographic pop-ups all over your computer while you're helping your daughter with a research project? Since Firefox blocks pop-ups, you won't get tons of porn in your face when you're least expecting it. On the flip side, since Firefox stops spyware from taking over your computer, there will be nothing to slow you down when you go and look for porn.

2. Your kids will only see porn when they want to.


Sorry, buddy... the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

3. Your computer won't spend its free time telling the world about Viagra soft tabs.


Experts say 80% of spam comes from hacked PCs. Firefox has much better security, so your computer will get hacked less. Do it for the children, the children! (caveat: reducing Viagra spam may also reduce total number of children.)

4. Mozilla doesn't inflate prices and use the money to vaccinate children in Africa.


Uhh... wait a second. Maybe Microsoft's monopoly hasn't been all bad. Better donate to Oxfam. Seriously, you should.

5. If we knew web designers would hurl themselves off it, we wouldn't have put the Golden Gate bridge so close to San Francisco.


Every year, hundreds of web designers take their own lives rather than continue the hopeless struggle of making their websites IE compatible. Is that what you really want?? Dead web designers????? Cause that's what you're going to get!!!!!! See if I care!!!!!!!!!!

6. Keep squinting and your eyes will get stuck like that, stupid


Unlike IE, Firefox makes it easy to make text bigger. Just hit Control and "+" at the same time. And Control "-" makes it smaller.

7. It will make Bill Gates soooooooooo mad.


Seriously-- super, super mad. And even more than Bill, let's think about Steve "I'm going to fucking kill Google" Ballmer for a second (actual quote). If there's anyone that's going to absolutely blow a gasket when they see this website, it will be him. (video proof of Steve Ballmer being a crazy, sweaty man.)

8. Mozilla has never made a talking paperclip.



9. Ritalin is fun, but A.D.D. is not.


Tabbed browsing, ad blocking, and pop-up blocking make it a lot easier to stay focused. Better for epileptics too: with Firefox's ad blocking ability, there won't be as many large swaths of flashing, pulsating colors on the websites you visit. Nothing worse than getting thrown into a seizure by a "Test your IQ!" ad.

10. It's like switching from dating a 14-year-old to dating an 18-year-old.


...for a 16 year old, we mean. You know, it's a win-win.

11. Reduce your weekly family & friends tech support load to 8 hours.


You won't miss hearing this:

"I verified my credit card number since the computer said it had spyware, but now I can't email..."

"Honey, I found a new business partner in Nigeria but I can't email him our bank account info because the internet is broken..."

"The Secret Service called this morning and said that our computer sent 20,000 scatalogical emails to the President..."

12. More effective than throwing pies.


Switching to Firefox works better than throwing a pie in Bill Gates' face. Pies just make him more determined, but Firefox steals his mojo.


13. Because the Department of Justice Lacks Balls.


They spent years and years on the Microsoft anti-trust suit and it did absolutely nothing to reduce Microsoft's monopoly. Great work guys. It's time to take the law (erm, the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890?) into our own hands.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


for quotes in the quick reply just copy the post you want to and press the yellow word box on the toolbar its the last one

Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> - Today, 03:16 AM

yeah go to the persons post that you want to quote and press qoute the advanced reply window will come up it will have the persons message in quotes just type your message underneath


that will come up and in the middle of the ][ paste the message and post

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