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how'd that flick get there i edited that out :[


and doofy, i was kidding...

i don't care where anyone is from foreal.

you can be rich and be chill, and you can be poor and be chill.

Its cool i knew u was jokin. I just hate people actin hood that dont know shit about what real struggle is.. then they try to live the lifestyle like its cool. Go to the hood and say nigga brasif. Try to act hard there. Any real cat from the hood knows what im talkin about rather they want to speak up or not. Especially being white trying to survive.


You sound real stupid brasif. Your the one trying to look cool, and hate on someone one doin they own damn thing that has never done shit to you or anyone. Someone thats come up by himself without reppin some krew. But its okay man, im done speaking out on this forum and bein chill. Im just going to post real live shit. Shit not spoke on a keyboard.


Sit back.. enjoy the show.

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Ill come to your hood bitch, shut the fuck up you know nothing but what you see on TV. were you want your ass beat, the shepard, the old cdp or or were theres only 4 real hoods in the ville and i dont think youve ever stepped foot in any of em, and that goes for everyone here besides some fst cats and the older crews. just because you hit broadway doesn mean you went to the hood. come through beacher and throw up some shit pussies. dont speak of hood if you dont even know were they are.

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Im sorry I wasnt gonna post anything else. but I had to say it....all this talk about hoods and none yall aint lived there.



dude louisvillesfinest...you know how I know your not from the hood?...you said "the shephard"...its the square, not the shephard. lol. shit dont even sound right.


cdp was the hardest anyways. still is even though it aint up. they didnt tear that shit down for nuttn. and thats coming from someone who spent their whole life there.

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Im sorry I wasnt gonna post anything else. but I had to say it....all this talk about hoods and none yall aint lived there.



dude louisvillesfinest...you know how I know your not from the hood?...you said "the shephard"...its the square, not the shephard. lol. shit dont even sound right.


cdp was the hardest anyways. still is even though it aint up. they didnt tear that shit down for nuttn. and thats coming from someone who spent their whole life there.


Hey check this out. I can call it what ever i want when i can walk through there all day make money while you cant. I saw a cat the other day that knows who you are, so no worries. Im not off talk ill beat you down and shut you the fuck up how bout that. Im not off phone tag ill catch you pussy. and yeah dude said you had some size on you, but its not muscle for damn sure. Ill catch you bitch ass whore. I stayed off 32nd and bank for 11 years and i dont know about the west, bitch i own a house in the west. and when the bricks went down we lost our hard projects. and most of the people moved and are making money in the burg. but fuck all them kids(even though they are making there money)

Not to mention your probably not even old enough to remember when the tore down cdp or when the presidnet rolled through or any of that shit. you dont know the history of the city so shut the fuck up and eat my dick. your probably some south wick bitch. oh wait your not, i know your real name and that your a suburb kid born and raised. I got a spot in portland i got left when some one passed but i choose to stay in the burbs. more money. so get you shit straight before i get it straight for you whore.


I said nothing to you directly but i am now bitch ass whore. check around i got more gun charges than you got tags running, more time in prison than you got painting. and my fight game is on point. so shoot me a PM and explain why you figured youd attack me or ill catch you out your not hard to find, Ill give it to you the other kids running it to you can find you also and they havent but im not them. So ima quit cluttering up the thread and wait on a explanation and in the mean time Ill be watching, youll slip and ill be there school you.


Edit: not to mention i think i was taking up for you when everyone was giving you shit in the last thread now this. thats cool will get it all figured out. shoot me a pm so were not fucking the thread up more with this bullshit.


and bump cutyourself for keepin the thread alive.

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lol. i thought i was supposedly the snitch?? ^^^


but all ur info is wrong anyways btw so keep talking to whoever it is you are......and best believe that pm is sent buddy.



and i told myself i wasnt gonna post anything else except pics.lol. yall niggas is funny. and dawg dont tell me what I know. I lived in Clarksdale my whole life until right b4 they tore it down. thats one topic you wont know more than me. trust me. dont get mad at me cuz u said "the sheppard". any nigga from there would know that aint what its called. you said it..i just pointed it out. no reason to get all hyped.but if u choose to, lets go then. my beef aint with you anyways, you'd know it if so. but check that pm and keep eatin them wheaties. Ill be in "okolona" ...nah mattr fact i'll be in "the sheppard".



edit: and NOW im done..no more post. i promise this time unless its pics.lol.

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^^^you ARE a snitch^^^

regardless of how "hard" you are or where you come from..none of that can back up the fact of being a snitch. there shouldn't be anymore talk on this thread about "sarge". it's done with. you're a snitch and words will never do any justice...but actions will.

don't pm me some shit talk because i've heard it all from you.

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yall sound like so fucking cry babys. everyone. not pointing fingers at anyone. stop the fucking whining and shit talking. if you want to handle something then do it. if not shut the fuck up. you all are fucking emberassing. most of you all on here need to focus more on getting better than how "hard" you are.

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yeah so i was at a spot tonight and they confirmed you lived in CDP, and you got your reply, its in your hands now. and on the snitch part, some one fut me up on game about that tonight at the spot, something about you posting a face pic. come on man, all bullshit aside. dont risk some ones freedom, that reason for death threats in my book. but it wasnt my pic. and i said a end of town. population such and such. not even close to a snitch thats is one thing regaurdless of what happens you need to keep out your mouth when it comes to me. 90percent if the people on these boards would break before doing time even in county but i aint one of em.

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