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Issac Brock

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fuck yall. the only squatter I know of is tom. and that aint no joke, that nigga is traight squatter status right now. as far as what I said earlier for those that got to read it before I realized I made a mistake about revok. I dont hate msk/awr. I dont hate any of you that write, I might not like your work, but what i do is nothing pretty to look at. but I remain where I stand on I dont care how pretty it is, if you go over me Im taking you out. I thought that was a pretty simple rule this towns writers have always followed. I do stalk out of revoks spot thought with my black book that I dont own in hopes he will hit it.


no, the only people I hate here are snitches and faggot photographers that claim to be a writer 20 years ago.



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I thought that was a pretty simple rule this towns writers have always followed.


So cute! How was that thought. I'd hazard a guess it was lost in a sea of nothing; but please, tell me how it felt.


I can tell you how this will play out, you'll either mature as a writer, realize you're acting like a toy, and come clean about it. Or, and this is the pool I've thrown my cash at, you'll just disappear into a toothless meth fueled blackhole.


::crosses fingers::



Your mom







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this is how its gonna play out, Im gonna come find you cause you're a internet dick rider who hides behind a computer screen. say whatever the fuck you wanna say about me, your opinion means nothing. dick riders dont get opinions. no need to bring my beautiful wonderful mother in to this, even if you did just say your mom, trying to be all witty. well you know what comes next, and karma is a motherfucker. I got you buddy. see you sooner than you'd like.

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you might as well leave this one alone Sarcasm for you own good. im sure you got a REALLL nice SLR that DSD would love to take flicks with. and your crossing some lines a "grown" man shouldnt. If your a "vet of 20 years" to this game than grow the fuck up.

When you sit down at the breakfast table today and have a nice cup of coffee while looking at your bulldog ugly wife, think about this... You take FLICKS buddy.. thats it. Not even REALLY good flicks. just flicks. in my opinon and ALOT of OGs in this game would all agree; Toy or not , any, and i do mean ANY toy still out-ranks you bc at least they TRY. You take photos bc you wanna be apart of this subculture you find so cool, but you've never even picked up a can of paint to do anything but redecorate your patio furniture. deep inside you really wish you could be one of the top dogs, but your too afraid to even try... or maybe you did try at one point an were so embarrassed you gave up. your little quips aren't cute /amusing. your flicks are decent. but fuck for all i know u bought a 2000$ camera and just set that bitch to AUTO focus.

Bottom line. you dont even paint. period. you dont have any skills in this game so you have NOOOOOO room to call anyone a toy.id put money on DSD being able to do cleaner work that anything your claiming. You dont risk ANYTHING, besides maybe stepping on a nail at the packard.... Ypu ever get chased by cops while on parole? nah.... you prolly seen a cop MAYBE and ran so u could feel like your part of it but in reality, you can flick flick flick all day and your not doing anything illegal. I know youve got pretentiousness in spades, but really, until you paint, your opinion means about a much as my girlfriends cat. maybe a little less... abd you say your a 20 yr vet... then humor us and post a flick of some of the paint you been puttin down over the last 20 yrs. for painting that long i would have thought id seen some of your work by now player... you paintin in the sewer system or something?

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sloer...imma tell you like i told dsd some time ago...you are sounding like a straight up cheerleader. dsd is a grown ass man...he has never had a problem handling his own...why are you on the sidelines going "rah-rah-rah"? i dont know you..and i dont know sarcasm..so dont even try and come at me one some "taking sides" shit....i could give a fuck less about this fickle argument....with that being said...im not trying to sift through 4 pages of pointless banter to look at flicks...just sayin'.

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bump the brother fohr. red I hear ya the reason sloe said shit was he

probably knows since he is one of my closest friends in the world that

like anyone else I love my mother to death, especially since she has fought

cancer for over 20 years and has ms and is a fucking trooper, and sloe knows

that I am very capable of doing some ignorant shit without thinking when I see

this faggot. just saying. he aint cheerleading more just kinda hoping a grown ass

man like this faggot wouldnt take jabs at me through my mother. it's all good though.

I understand where you and everyone else is coming from. Ima see this bitch soon.

hopefully then his faggot ass aint got any more witty shit to say.

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Idk much about fohr but i do know this is true, take cap from nyc for example his throw is sweet yes but imo theres much better stuff out there but prettys not the point its numbers so you gotta respect numbers even if you donrt like someones letters. And bump the nigga kcaps for days, fools got shit ridin for years annd has one of the most original characters ive seen.

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