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Issac Brock

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im sorry but setting up a facebook page for yourself to promote your graffiti is fucking gay.


It's not necessarily to "promote" my graffiti, but so that other writers whom I don't know will stop friending me on facebook when I'm not actually friends with or even know them in person... and also for when I'm doing events and shit and people want to tag me in flicks. This way hopefully it gets filtered to the right place. I want to keep my personal life separate.

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^aint to many cats on that level, just an opinion. plus, and I know a lot of yall niggas agree but wont admit to it, some of this out of town shit is straight garbage. now I dont need to name names, but if some of these niggas were detroit, yall wouldn't be holding their cocks at the urinals, yall would be hate hate hate hate hate, cause that's what the fuck we do here. hate on niggas. but I've been saying it for a long time, as most of you have, we do got some heavy hitters, and style fucking masters even in this day and age, right here at home, and them niggas bascially get no love here. but some dude from out of town comes in and does a straight letter or throw on a chill streetside and niggas are having parades and adopting kittens. just saying. anyway...bump, loaf, good looking out. reft, good looking out. vomit, good looking out. gram, good looking out. and anyone else I had some kind of run in and made peace. if you read all of this, you are probably as high as I am right now. minus the king tubby. yall aint listening to king tubby. flicks. dont care if they been posted. I took them. fuck yall. peace.


















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yo last but not least, and over the years yall niggas have gotten use to the fact that from time to time, I will post some dead animals, some with handstyles on em, and poop. the other night sloe hez and jue did another really shitty roll down, and I was with them fools. sloe had to poop, so he squatted down, and ripped a big ass fart that actually echoed it was so loud, and dropped this gem on yall niggas.




yo I smoke way to much weed to remember, but he either wipes his ass with jues shirt, a sock, or some bag paper bags from out beers. enjoy the shitty quality flicks I took. peace.




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detroit has its type of style. la has its type of style. when you bring a sick style down in another city, then of course people are gonna be shittin them selvs over it. if you seen this shit in la people wouldnt be dick ridin them writers cause they used to seein it around

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