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Issac Brock

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For fucks sake, "ATM" is some bullshit. splattering bucket paint all over the place, whimpy ass bullshit "throw-ups" with toy ass names hitting the same 5 blocks 100 times over again. enough with the fucking ATM flicks already, we all get it, your making shit look like shit and your never going to stop because ya'll some heavy hitters. what drives you? maybe it's xanax, maybe it's malt liquor, maybe it's being awesome.

anywho, ATM should just start a TUMBLR/blog for picture posting/building a fan base or maybe even paint your apartments instead. Thanks.


honestly ATM is really the only "CREW" doin numbers! regardless of your opinion ,..... obviously they got ur attention

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So let me just get this off my chest. Dsd why do you feel the need to put you opinion in on a discussion that was between 3 people

and handled by those people and was over? Your opinion doesn?t matter. When you start doing shitty multicolor throw ups it just shows

that you have no skills to succeed. What the fuck are you doing? Trying to accomplish a piece fill in on a throw up? You are fucking

retarded. When people do rollers they normally put 3d on it too, at least you could make the letters look decent and straight. Don?t

even try calling anyone out if they lurk or don?t paint. You and your whole crew are toys. Since you are toys I don?t really give you

credit for anything, you guys actually make Detroit look bad to writers who visit. Because they realize wow, Detroit really has a lot of

shitty throw ups around. Idk why you would continue to paint streets when you know you suck. And for some reason I don?t really even

affiliate you with Detroit graffitiz. People are accepting of dsd because there is no point to argue with him since he is so dumb. I am

almost positive everyone still hates him, because the only logical way he can solve anything is saying he will fight you. The reason I

am putting you on blast is because you are a toy, who thinks they are the shit and everyone needs to know. I could of sworn that when

you were a toy, you didn?t have an opinion or no one cared what you said, you just show your shit through your work. Don?t pm me,

because this is all true. Like they used to say, hit the sketchbooks for another year or two.


so u accept him cause theres no point in arguing.......... if u cant beatem joinem huh?... :rolleyes:

what is detroit graffiti? ... is there a roller how 2 handbook? ......if so id like 2 subscribe!.....


PUNKY JUESTER lol that's funny as hell

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I thought we all agreed that when you're a bitch and you just talk, dont paint, dont post flicks,

or got some dumb shit to say to me, we use pms? internet pussies that hide behind screenames

do not exist, your opinion does not count, once again, pm me.



grrrr lets fight .....:lol:

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