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Issac Brock

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dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. those fbs dudes, bad news. nothing but a bunch of fucking assholes.






good times, good people. if you couldn't make it to fbs family fun day, well, you suck, and missed out. you could of held the ladder. why the fuck didn't we bbq up there today? rest of the flicks when I get home tonight.

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that roller business??? i ain't touching that with a ten foot pole... that shit looks dope but it's going to be a big bag of dumbness.



*using my future vision... i see a big mess of dissed out/fixed again crap that looks worse than that dude who's been buffing out graffiti with colorful designs (1)... baaaaaarrrrrf*






bump the fuck outta eufoe.








*(1)---- for examples of how bad this dude makes shit look, go to that building on the lodge between mack and forest. worst.

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get at me in a pm leezy. to answer your question red, pretty simple. more than half the shit that gets dissed out, especially loaf, or anything fbs, dont have no handstyle, piece, throw. just a line, scribbles, whatever. and not just fbs, anyone. so "everyone else" is anyone on some punk bitch shit that is to pussy to let a motherfucker know they got beef. sometimes it's pretty obvious, but to me it's kinda like fucking a persons car up. pussy shit. just let people know you're dissing them out. I am sorta biased on shit cause I chill with certain people everyday. but like I said, it aint just fbs. anyone that gets dissed, should get the respect to know who did it.

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it's just a roller. a roller over a crew that nobody reps anymore, therefore it is a crew that no longer exists. plus wasn't that swl over an isis and oar roller anyway. either diss it or don't, either way it will get fixed bigger and better every time. lets not get our panties all bunched up now. but, thats just my opinion i'm sure everyone else will turn it into a soap opera.

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if the roller gets touched its gonna go into some straight up nongraffiti shit. im down with to many real ass cats to let that slide. nothing ever done in the past will equal the things tht will come if tht roller gets touched. call it what you want to call it but its the truth. niggas bitches anyone even down with yall will get it. paid, youve been left alone and accepted for a while now but dont think that if you cross that line you will be allowed to be seen in public. grizzle just shut your mouth or show up to bgirl practice tmr night with of the love of my life so she can see for herself that all that internet bullshit you pop can turn real serious.

Bump FBSK, Mexican weed, and flipflop paint.


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