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carrying cans

Icy GrapeWI

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First off, you DONT "GET UP" if you are here asking about how to carry your cans.


Shopping bags work fine, backpacks are better when you have to do some climbing over fences and what not. Or you could pretend you are rambo, and buy some over-priced can holster from some graffiti company, but good look explaining that one


Anyway, fuck walking around at 3 a.m. aimlessly, thats how you get pinched. You leave a trail of damage leading right up to you. It's all about picking spots ahead of time. Get a bike or a car, park the shit where it will be safe and not get towed if the cops see it, walk to the spot, have two escape routes.


And btw, you really dont need to be bombing with more than 4-5 cans per spot, leave the extra weight somewhere safe.

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i really shouldnt say this on here. toys, and cops and all... i might even catch some serious flack from SSC (thanks gnome) but the move is this... put 1 can in each of your back pockets. 1 in each of your fronts. then... 2 in your hoody pocket. only real graffbombers know this fly move. but with practice you can pull it off. its all in the step... did you really think there was some quality, innovative technique to carry your cans?? whats next? how do i wash my hands (graffishly) at 4:00 am after i finished my wildstyles... god. carry your own fuckin cans however you want. what kind of trick were you REALLY lookin for??

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Originally posted by Dirty_habiT@Jun 24 2005, 06:48 AM

Are you a cop? Some of the stupidest questions and comments I have ever read have to be from "The Yard".... I mean seriously, what the hell is wrong with using a backpack? Or a messenger bag? Or a plastic grocery bag? You could always use your pockets, or your friend's pockets.... what about a milk crate?


I agree with this guy..^^^..


at 3 am anyone will look suspicious to a cop


Not everyone works your regular 7:00 to 4:00 regular schedule..I know a few cats that work the night shift and dont get off work til 3 or 4 in the morning, they use public transportation but get off a few blocks down and bomb their way home... Yeah you would look suspicious but all you gotta say is that you just got off work or something..They aint going to search you just for walking..Ohh yeah and wear gloves...Point is...The more shit you try to hide the more you will look suspicious..

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i usually go bombin with bin laden.....i get him to carry my tins..... they will almost definately stop him over me! or if he cant come sometimes i take my stuffed dog and ram the tins inside him and pull him along!



that last one is a def winner!

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Guest kasmoney

yo i never understood why mutherfucker dont carry that doctor hand clearer foam...takes paint off skin in seconds...

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we need more acting at three in the morning........

i know,,,,,,,,,,shAKESpeare full royal crown with crunk

glass mindja ,,,and straight lights camera action .....

west philly,,,,,byburry asylums...........its goin down..

cans fanning,,,,,"TO BE OR NOT TO,,,,O',,,O'VURE..."

....SCENE CLOSE.....an the tinners are tucked in a coat filled

da innards............

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http://powderbomb.com/modules.php?name=Con...=showpage&pid=1 <-read this first


keep fresh/half used tins in a grocery bag or something you wouldnt mind throwing away, this way if you need to stash shit its quick and easy.


also, the laptop bag does work providing you dont look sus. example, neat hair or bucket hat, book/newspaper/magazine being read while walking, normal clothes (not baggy or bright), glasses (if you want to go that far) and just look casual. if you get pulled over just act cool and dont start shit.


but consider stashin your paint nearby or at the spot your hitting in advance, only try the disguise when your randomly bombing shit.


AND think of ways to get out of the situation if one does occur in advance, why your out at 3 am, back your stories up if they decide to do a check on you (your ''job'' for e.g.)

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and if your worried your tins are goin to rattle while your walking, remember to keep them upright and remember that empty tins rattle alot louder than full ones.


ive walked around with atleast 10 tins in a backpack alll just thrown in (none were upright) and walked around without a single rattle...practice your step, balance your weight until you get the perfect step that wont make you look sus or rattle the tins. PRACTICE!

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i don't know if this has been mentioned, but your can can fit in an empty pringles/stax can. i used that a couple of times... other than that, i use a doubled grocery bag, or paper bag. one time i went with one can in each side pocket, and one in my back pocket, caps behind my ears, and markers in the belt loop thing. i walk like i regularly do, but when there's someone passing by i try to not make the cans rattle.

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just put that shit in a bag wrap a hoodie around it. and if the cops wanna search tell them no because its 3 am and your not wasting any more time than you have to.

and a 3am excuse that works is " my girl/mom just kicked me out of my house, and i have no car or money, so i have to walk down to whereever so i can stay the night " then just act like your annoyed with the cop and pissed at your mom/girl. but dont get too much of an attitude with the cops, thats a good quick way to get the shit kicked out of you. oh and wear gloves, so you dont have paint on your hands. cause if there is a trail of vandalism all the way up to you and your standing with paint on your hands you're fucked even if you didnt do half the shit, they're going to try and say you did.

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