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Tough Love

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So I figured out what was bothering me about your first two panels. I really like everything you have done except for one

thing. It was previously mentioned that the orangish highlights on the rock in the second panel seem too vibrant. I disagreed

with that at first, but now I think its right. Not for the same reason though. If you look in the first frame, the beginning of

the rocks/canyon is on the right side, while a darker part of the sky is on the left moving brighter to the right. Now, if

the light is permeating right to left, wouldnt those highlights on the rock be on the wrong side?

I suppose that is assuming that the canyon the panels are taking the viewer through is moving

from the right of the initial setting to the left. If so, I think the lighting is reversed.

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Looks good. The anatomy on your female is a little off, you should probably take some figure drawing classes because in comic books you deal with a lot of different perspectives which can become pretty difficult. Also I do not know about your education but it might be good for you to buy a book on storyboarding. This teaches you about camera angles, perspectives, continuity( very important) . . .all the things you need to have your story flow nicely. Keep it up

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I like what you have done here, but you might want to concider working with someone on the writing. The "confederation" instantly brought to mind obvious cliches such as Star Wars and Star Trek. Also you should not call it a space ship, say "The ear splitting sound of diseline engines, foreign in this province until now" or something that fills it out...

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ah yeh, making up names and writing fictional stories was never really one of my strong points.....but i mean, confederates have been around for ever...not just starwars......i couldn't think of anything


as for my education...i really dont have a formal one. ive got some books on drawing people and what not, i know i lack that part, but as it stands right now, i dont know if im going to really bother becoming a "real" artist....this is more for shits and giggles i guess. i know a lot of the stuff i do has mistakes here and there, but i dont have that much time to devote to drawing to become flawless or a lot better

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