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i came across a couple of up and coming graffiti artist the other day while out taking photos and i had a word with them and the mentioned that they are so scared to do graffiti on the legal wall or in portlansd cuz they dont wanna be dissed now the way i was taught is that if you wanna get anywhere in this field you gotta indure the disrespect untill you earn the respect and i mentioned that and one of the guys told me about himself getting jumped and his paint stolen because he had no sense of style now thats where it hurts to hear because we all started out toys with no style, we all started out tagging the safe spots before the risky ones now i understand the food chain very well but as an artist just coming into the game looking up to the likes of rich or sept or lack or learn or ich or burn etc and then getting jumped by them instead of learn from them kills morale alot im out here doing the same thing as you are not for respect and not for fun and not because of girls or fame im doing it cuz i love it i love driving past a wall that i hit or seeing a train that i bombed its an amazing feeling i love and respect all the artist in maine and amso glad to have lived in their life time but to hear the stories that i heard it sickens me to the point where im ashamed to call myself a graffiti artist i hope everyone here has many safe journeys and adventures and that all you toys keep doing your thing cuz one day youll be looked up to like i look up to the current legends lets learn from our elders not fight with them!! much respect to all no diss inteded just hopes for a brighter future!!


I hate to be that ignorant dude but fuuuuuuuuck all that. This is an OUTLAW art form, if you can't handle the beef, fights and drama, then its not meant for you and stick to the canvasses and art shows. Having experienced the graff game and a little bit of the fine art scene, I am personally LOVE the fact that graffiti is the last artform where you just might get smacked for doing some dumb shit. I mean, when my art-fag friends get critiqued or shit on in a review it absolutely KILLS them, and they can hardly handle it. I laugh my ass off at that, BECAUSE my artistic training came from writing graffiti, where you might get jacked or fight someone if they dont like your work. Fuck some shit critique by some art-snob. Pretty much, it gave me tough skin to put my art out there regardless of the obstacles. And I understand that the violence and beefing makes some people absolutely disgusted, those people should quit trying to write and use their artistic talents for something else.

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I hate to be that ignorant dude but fuuuuuuuuck all that. This is an OUTLAW art form, if you can't handle the beef, fights and drama, then its not meant for you and stick to the canvasses and art shows. Having experienced the graff game and a little bit of the fine art scene, I am personally LOVE the fact that graffiti is the last artform where you just might get smacked for doing some dumb shit. I mean, when my art-fag friends get critiqued or shit on in a review it absolutely KILLS them, and they can hardly handle it. I laugh my ass off at that, BECAUSE my artistic training came from writing graffiti, where you might get jacked or fight someone if they dont like your work. Fuck some shit critique by some art-snob. Pretty much, it gave me tough skin to put my art out there regardless of the obstacles. And I understand that the violence and beefing makes some people absolutely disgusted, those people should quit trying to write and use their artistic talents for something else.



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Word Arkady! This is a male domianted culture for a reason! Compared to the subway days or even when I started in the early 90's today is a joke.. kids dont get called out for anything, I think it needs to go back to the old days a bit myself. Spots are spots and they are regulated or should be, or they get blown out. Maybe they where their and did something stupid, if I had to take a toys paint and kick him out of my spot so I dont get busted.. you better believe im doing just that. Find your own spots, bomb cause nobody owns the streets, and do your thing year after year and the respect will come.. It has to be earned! Actually chill piecing spots are for older heads who founded them in the first place, its not a free for all! Sorry dude.. I know you want it to be all "common ground" "yo we are all graffiti artist" bullshit, it aint that way! Its about respect and earning it, and fighting and beef is and always will be a part of being a graffiti WRITER not artist.. dont like it then stay home drink tea, paint a canvas and listen to Jack Johnson or something..

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^I'd have to agree. It may suck, but that's how it is. Portland is kind on its youngens. Certainly could be a lot worse. Agreed? Just because you write doesn't mean your in on the game. I didn't meet any writers in portland for a couple years, mainly because i didn't flaunt myself as a writer to everyone i ran into. kept my mouth shut, eye's open, and respected all the other dudes keeping things running ahead of me. As obi-wan says, "you will learn your place young one". for better or for worse. Whatever.. don't put yourself in that position until your work can stand for itself i guess.

That would also suck though if some youngens got jacked by a bunch of other youngen toys who thought they were the shit. and weren't.. either way, that stuff happens. work around it, or learn karate.

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It's ridiculous to think that we could all be on the same level in terms of respect. Some of us are legends, and some of us are toys, and the distinction is an important part of this community. Someone who is getting called a toy and gets the shit kicked out of them for doing stupid shit only has a few options: work on your shit, quit, or keep doing dumb shit and get your ass kicked even harder. Graffiti is illegal, and by doing stupid shit, like the fucking retard who drew a cat on the monument in monument square, deserve whatever negativity comes their way, because their jackassory brings unnecessary attention to the community, which results in more cops looking for writers, which means more people getting arrested. The actions of a few can ruin the party for all of us, which is why people who behave unacceptably need to get their asses kicked.

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It's ridiculous to think that we could all be on the same level in terms of respect. Some of us are legends, and some of us are toys, and the distinction is an important part of this community. Someone who is getting called a toy and gets the shit kicked out of them for doing stupid shit only has a few options: work on your shit, quit, or keep doing dumb shit and get your ass kicked even harder. Graffiti is illegal, and by doing stupid shit, like the fucking retard who drew a cat on the monument in monument square, deserve whatever negativity comes their way, because their jackassory brings unnecessary attention to the community, which results in more cops looking for writers, which means more people getting arrested. The actions of a few can ruin the party for all of us, which is why people who behave unacceptably need to get their asses kicked.



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