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Pick up:

"The Art of Getting Over"- Stephen Powers

"Subway Art"-Martha Cooper, Henry Chalfant

"Freight Train Graffiti"- Roger Gastman, Darin Rowland, Ian Sattler

"Dondi White: Style Master General"- Andrew Witten, Dondi White, Michael White

"Spraycan Art"- Henry Chalfan, James Prigoff


Just to name a few... this is your homework assignment for the next year. Study hard, this will be on the final. forgive me if I forgot some.


Also if you haven't seen these I suggest watching them as well:


"Style Wars"

"Wild Style"

"Breakin' 1&2" (these are extra credit, they're just awesome)


P.S. if you listen carefully B+D, BD, MF, HV, and a couple others will teach you more than you'll ever learn on your own about this culture we all love.

just got done watching 3/4 movies u mentioned. dug them all, breakin was kinda weird.. but what can you expect from an 80's dance movie.. haha. Deff see the correlation between the two cultures. it's all about getting up and getting your name out there. Gonna pick up some books this weekend I think. Whats the best one to start with? I'm a bit strapped for cash right now so I'm gonna pick away at the books.


Any other movie suggestions? I know I can probably just google search, but I get the feeling theres a lot of shit graff movies out there as well..


This threads been lackin the past few days. Who's got some pictures to post up? B+D, got another old story for us? that shit was awesome.

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just got done watching 3/4 movies u mentioned. dug them all, breakin was kinda weird.. but what can you expect from an 80's dance movie.. haha. Deff see the correlation between the two cultures. it's all about getting up and getting your name out there. Gonna pick up some books this weekend I think. Whats the best one to start with? I'm a bit strapped for cash right now so I'm gonna pick away at the books.


Any other movie suggestions? I know I can probably just google search, but I get the feeling theres a lot of shit graff movies out there as well..


This threads been lackin the past few days. Who's got some pictures to post up? B+D, got another old story for us? that shit was awesome.


Graffiti Kings by Jack Stewart is a must..

Read "The Art of Getting Over" by Stephen Powers... especially the back pages

Subway Art is like a Style Wars handbook, was my first book, got it in 87. Definatley a must have.


Stlyle Master General, The Dondi Book is really inspirational and a personal fave.

If you get and read all these, youll be well versed.. good luck, should be fun.

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Thanks BD! probably pick up the art of getting over tonight.. i think thats been suggested a couple times so why not! the helps much appreciated! Reaaaally dug wildstyle, the filming of that was rad for it's time/market, it looked like everything was shot guerilla style, no closed sets, just people doing their shit. Whats peoples perception on legal graffiti around here? dig it? think it's selling out?

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Thanks BD! probably pick up the art of getting over tonight.. i think thats been suggested a couple times so why not! the helps much appreciated! Reaaaally dug wildstyle, the filming of that was rad for it's time/market, it looked like everything was shot guerilla style, no closed sets, just people doing their shit. Whats peoples perception on legal graffiti around here? dig it? think it's selling out?


It's totally selling out !! Don't do it !! That shit is for chumps!!


While you're at it read...


Getting Up by Craig Castelman

All City by Paul 107

The Faith of Graffiti by Morman Mailer pics by John Narr

Bomb the Suburbs by William Upski Wimsatt

The Birth of Graffiti by John Narr

The Nasty Terrible T-Kid 170 by Julius Cavero


and watch...


Lost Angels

Cope 2 Kings Destroy

Turk 182

Toys and Kings

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