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! COLOR ME CRAZY BATTLE ! - Official HP Battle

Tough Love

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Hear ye hear ye, come one come all, its time for another HP sponsored battle!


Here's the run down guys. Take the sketch below, and colour it however you like! This battle will be judged on colour alone, and how creative you can get with this outline. So go nuts. Use whatever medium you wish, computer, pencils, markers, blood, pee, w/e you wish, just colour the damn thing! Make sure you look carefully at where the 3D is and the letters and dont fuck up. Obviously this puppy is going to need a sick fill, some sick forcefield effects, some shit in the 3D and colour that character guys, come on!

The HP crew will be judging this contest, so get crackin!

If you lack a printer then too bad, deal with it somehow, use MS Paint if you have to, just get colouring!


This contest ends NEXT SUNDAY AT HIGH NOON! thats in a week from now


Happy colouring fellow forum nerds!


All entries will be gathered and put into one voting thread on http://www.hundredproof.com/forum where the winner will be decided



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whatever guys, i dont have any trouble colouring in my shit, this is a battle going on at various other websites too and put together by HP, just for shits and giggles, and to also provide some lesser skilled people a way to get in on some battles and not feel left out.












that shit aint for me, its just for havin fun and messin around with colours, u dont have to hate

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WHOA! You guys sure are harsh but its all good.


We host several succesful battles over at HP and we wanted to find a battle that puts everyone on an even level coming into it.

Everyone should know how to color-so why not put a battle together where its strictly coloring. Get back to the real basics. Before people learn simples they should know how to fill them?


This is just like any other battle we've hosted except that this one gives everyone an even chance and considering that HP(HundredProof) is hosting the battle we picked the word. We have a few other HP members that have already submitted outlines for the next coloring battle and they look tight so don't be so harsh on the first one that left the gate-I think it has some flavor and with the right color scheme could look good.

I understand that some people feel it necessary to throw around some beef but to be honest I think the idea for this battle is something fresh because lately I've been getting kinda bored with regular "word" battles,alpha battles,etc. so we decided to find a new angle.


Good luck everyone.

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Originally posted by Coffie Crave@Feb 1 2005, 11:14 PM

what dose the winner win, cuzs i mean know one wants to waste there time for shit and giggles

if u feel its a waste of your time then dont do


we're not gunna give hand outs to people who can colour inbetween the lines (at least i dont think so..i could be wrong)


if u dont wanna do it, then be quiet and dont




edit: actually i can hook u up with hooked on phonics if ud like

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