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Don't Call it Frisco


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I think this shit is awesome...shows these dudes used to suck ass.....a few years later and the youngsters are fucking crushing shit. Progression is where its at and I llove these pics shows how far dudes have come and how much they progressed. Bump the Sepr and Oistr of today!

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this bitch has the whole frisco graff scene jockin and she dont even know it :lol: :lol:


bitch prob lives boston bum fuck no where too .. u gotta name w that face?


king status to who ever catches a tag on those titties!!!:D


she knows it, and she lives in LA. i got 100's of pics of her with a bio to boot..



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bump this broad


After seeing more pics of her her implants re installed just a touch too low, make the nipples off balaance top to bottom and she needs to be rockin thongs straight up!!!


I think I might bump this post for the next week everyday... LOL


she knows it, and she lives in LA. i got 100's of pics of her with a bio to boot..



Prove it... :D

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bump this broad


It was my time to become a Pokemon trainer, but Professor Oak had no more Pokemon to give away.

“You came too late Greg,” he said to me. He had given away all of his good Pokemon.

However, I was in luck, because the Pokemon center had just burnt down and all of the Chanseys died, except one.

“Would you like this Chansey, we have no home for him” said Nurse Joy.

“Yes I will take it” I said. I named the Chansey Elton, after Elton John. It was a girl though.

It took to me very well and I liked Elton a lot.

“Goodbye sweetie, you’re going now” said Mom. And I left Pallet Town. But as I was leaving,

“HEY YOU!” called Chase. Chase is a little bitch and nobody likes him.

We battled and he had a Charmander. Elton won by a lot because Chanseys are special sponges.

“I’ll be seeing you again” said Chase, and I told him goodbye.



(4 days later)



We had finally arrived at Pewter city where there’s a museum and a lot more. We heard about the gym leader there but Elton told me that she would have a hard time defeating rocks.

Elton was a pessimist and a very unmotivated battler, somewhat of a nihilist.

I tried to tell Elton that if she keeps acting that way people will call her a pussy.

We went to the Gym and we saw Brock.

“hey”; said Brock. I thought Brock was handsome although I was much too young for him, and a guy.

“let’s battle” said Brock, and he took off his shirt and I got a hard on.

Geodude was much too difficult for Elton and she died really fast. Brock noticed my erection and said “what the hell are you doing kid?” I was jacking off and Elton was KOed.

Brock was noticeably excited and so I gave Brock head and he fingered my asshole and so I wouldn’t go to Officer Jenny he gave me a Boulder badge. Elton was fine after I took her to the pokemon center.



(2 days later)



We were outside of Mt Moon and we saw a Jigglypuff and Elton, being very independent, caught her herself. I named the Jigglypuff Cecilia after that Simon and Garfunkel song.

We ran into Henry, one of the other guys from Pallet Town. He had a Bulbasaur. He saw us near the entrance to Mt Moon and said,

“what are you, the gym leader of fagsville?”

I looked at Elton and Cecilia and he was right, they were both pink and big and round like balls and sometimes they touched and they were really cute.

I said “we are not, that is what you are” but I knew this was not a sensible comeback because he had a Bulbasaur and a Beedrill.

We fought and we lost again and I realized both of my Pokemon suck ass and Elton doesn’t even try to win because she is very busy with very deep existential problems I would never be able to understand.

Henry left and I went to the Pokemon center outside Mt Moon.



(3 days later)



Elton and Cecilia were both KOed and we were about to reach the end of Mt Moon but there were criminals in the way.

“stop there kid what do you think you’re doing messing with team rocket?” a gruntish man called out to me. I told him we meant no trouble but he threw a Pokeball at me that not only nearly broke my arm but also a Koffing came out and was in no mood for this. Elton and Cecilia were both KOed so I picked up a large rock and I threw at the man and he was knocked into a coma, and also bleeding.

I took 300 dollars and a fighting knife from his body and also felt him up a bit. He was only about 24, 5 thick inches soft.

We made it to Cerulean city and I went to the Pokemon center and then I went on a bridge.

There was a challenge going on and I turned it down because I knew Elton would not want to participate and Cecilia is unable to do anything but sing and pound and neither are good for battle.

Eventually we had to fight a small boy with a Ratata and Cecilia grew at least 4 levels and learned Disable.

“things are looking bright” I said to Cecilia. She was ecstatic, but Elton was still very apathetic.

“we are going to be pokemon masters” I told them.



(later that day)



We arrived at a big house and nobody was home except for a Clefairy. Elton caught this as well. I named it Bowie, after David Bowie, because I liked its hair. This one was a boy. It seemed like it didn’t want to be with us, and it also seemed like it had tried to commit suicide, because there were many label-less empty prescription bottles laying around it.

“this clefairy is more than likely brain damaged” I told Elton, who didn’t care.

“tomorrow we can fight another gym leader” I said.

We woke up and the city was loud because its a small town and Bill had disappeared.

Officer Jenny said “he more than likely looked like a pokemon of some sort”

We realized then that Bowie was Bill, but Bowie did not wake up when Elton and Cecilia and I had woken up, because Bowie had overdosed on various anxiety and other prescription medications.

We threw Bowie’s body into the river near Cerulean.

“the gym is closed today because bill is missing” said a man.

We rented a motel room and watched the news about Bill.



(the next morning)



The town was still upset because Bills dead body washed up exactly where we had thrown him in.

“this is life” said a man. “the town must go on”

The gym was opened and Cecilia was very excited to battle and Elton was coming as well.

“i am misty” said a teenage girl in a bikini.

“i know” I said.

“my specialty is the sea. water pokemon are relevant to my interests.” she told me. I noticed that she looked like a little slut, and the three pallet town guys who came here before me probably knocked her up. I knew this because



-flashback to before entering the gym-



Robert, who had a Squirtle said, “hey, long time no see greg. i just ate that bitch out”

And assuming he would insult me I said “i just ate you out” but realized afterward I had no need to comeback.



-the end of the flashback-



Cecilia KOed and Elton gave up.

“you have been defeated” said Misty.

“i killed bill and i can kill you too” I said.

Misty began to scream and I said “give me the fucking cascade badge”

Elton looked very nervous and Misty threw the Cascade badge at us and I said “we need to go quickly, elton”

We ran through a house and as far from Cerulean city as we could.



(4 days later)



We reached Vermillion City but were unmotivated and were also running from the law. It was agreed between Cecilia and I that we needed a vacation, so we wanted to ride on the cruise ship, but we were very poor and so I said to Elton

“you’re a very rare pokemon, elton, so i am selling you for money for tickets on the SS anne”

Elton didn’t object, because Elton is too deep for me to understand. We made 5 thousand from Elton.

“we have a whole adventure ahead of us, cecilia” I said this to her as she stood up by where Rose stood in Titanic. I realized then my feelings for Cecilia transcended what is considered healthy between a trainer and his Pokemon.

I looked at Cecilia standing there singing and then I pushed her off the ship into the sea.

I had no more Pokemon because I had sold Elton and I had pushed Cecilia off of the SS Anne.

I got off the ship and I went another motel.



(the next morning)



I called Professor Oak and I said “my chansey ran away and i have no more pokemon and i need one”

“im out of pokemon, greg, how did you lose your chansey”

I didn’t know what to say so I hung up very fast.

I went to the Pokemart where I bought 6 pokeballs.

“i see you like balls” said an older man in the store. “i like balls myself.”

The older man was using a Machop to build a house. I let him fondle me and jerk me off and I got his Machop. I named the Machop Greg Jr because I was tired of naming my Pokemon after musical references.

“you are my very first pokemon, greg jr” I said to him, as I lied.


“now I can begin my pokemon adventure”

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It was my time to become a Pokemon trainer, but Professor Oak had no more Pokemon to give away.

“You came too late Greg,” he said to me. He had given away all of his good Pokemon.

However, I was in luck, because the Pokemon center had just burnt down and all of the Chanseys died, except one.

“Would you like this Chansey, we have no home for him” said Nurse Joy.

“Yes I will take it” I said. I named the Chansey Elton, after Elton John. It was a girl though.

It took to me very well and I liked Elton a lot.

“Goodbye sweetie, you’re going now” said Mom. And I left Pallet Town. But as I was leaving,

“HEY YOU!” called Chase. Chase is a little bitch and nobody likes him.

We battled and he had a Charmander. Elton won by a lot because Chanseys are special sponges.

“I’ll be seeing you again” said Chase, and I told him goodbye.



(4 days later)



We had finally arrived at Pewter city where there’s a museum and a lot more. We heard about the gym leader there but Elton told me that she would have a hard time defeating rocks.

Elton was a pessimist and a very unmotivated battler, somewhat of a nihilist.

I tried to tell Elton that if she keeps acting that way people will call her a pussy.

We went to the Gym and we saw Brock.

“hey”; said Brock. I thought Brock was handsome although I was much too young for him, and a guy.

“let’s battle” said Brock, and he took off his shirt and I got a hard on.

Geodude was much too difficult for Elton and she died really fast. Brock noticed my erection and said “what the hell are you doing kid?” I was jacking off and Elton was KOed.

Brock was noticeably excited and so I gave Brock head and he fingered my asshole and so I wouldn’t go to Officer Jenny he gave me a Boulder badge. Elton was fine after I took her to the pokemon center.



(2 days later)



We were outside of Mt Moon and we saw a Jigglypuff and Elton, being very independent, caught her herself. I named the Jigglypuff Cecilia after that Simon and Garfunkel song.

We ran into Henry, one of the other guys from Pallet Town. He had a Bulbasaur. He saw us near the entrance to Mt Moon and said,

“what are you, the gym leader of fagsville?”

I looked at Elton and Cecilia and he was right, they were both pink and big and round like balls and sometimes they touched and they were really cute.

I said “we are not, that is what you are” but I knew this was not a sensible comeback because he had a Bulbasaur and a Beedrill.

We fought and we lost again and I realized both of my Pokemon suck ass and Elton doesn’t even try to win because she is very busy with very deep existential problems I would never be able to understand.

Henry left and I went to the Pokemon center outside Mt Moon.



(3 days later)



Elton and Cecilia were both KOed and we were about to reach the end of Mt Moon but there were criminals in the way.

“stop there kid what do you think you’re doing messing with team rocket?” a gruntish man called out to me. I told him we meant no trouble but he threw a Pokeball at me that not only nearly broke my arm but also a Koffing came out and was in no mood for this. Elton and Cecilia were both KOed so I picked up a large rock and I threw at the man and he was knocked into a coma, and also bleeding.

I took 300 dollars and a fighting knife from his body and also felt him up a bit. He was only about 24, 5 thick inches soft.

We made it to Cerulean city and I went to the Pokemon center and then I went on a bridge.

There was a challenge going on and I turned it down because I knew Elton would not want to participate and Cecilia is unable to do anything but sing and pound and neither are good for battle.

Eventually we had to fight a small boy with a Ratata and Cecilia grew at least 4 levels and learned Disable.

“things are looking bright” I said to Cecilia. She was ecstatic, but Elton was still very apathetic.

“we are going to be pokemon masters” I told them.



(later that day)



We arrived at a big house and nobody was home except for a Clefairy. Elton caught this as well. I named it Bowie, after David Bowie, because I liked its hair. This one was a boy. It seemed like it didn’t want to be with us, and it also seemed like it had tried to commit suicide, because there were many label-less empty prescription bottles laying around it.

“this clefairy is more than likely brain damaged” I told Elton, who didn’t care.

“tomorrow we can fight another gym leader” I said.

We woke up and the city was loud because its a small town and Bill had disappeared.

Officer Jenny said “he more than likely looked like a pokemon of some sort”

We realized then that Bowie was Bill, but Bowie did not wake up when Elton and Cecilia and I had woken up, because Bowie had overdosed on various anxiety and other prescription medications.

We threw Bowie’s body into the river near Cerulean.

“the gym is closed today because bill is missing” said a man.

We rented a motel room and watched the news about Bill.



(the next morning)



The town was still upset because Bills dead body washed up exactly where we had thrown him in.

“this is life” said a man. “the town must go on”

The gym was opened and Cecilia was very excited to battle and Elton was coming as well.

“i am misty” said a teenage girl in a bikini.

“i know” I said.

“my specialty is the sea. water pokemon are relevant to my interests.” she told me. I noticed that she looked like a little slut, and the three pallet town guys who came here before me probably knocked her up. I knew this because



-flashback to before entering the gym-



Robert, who had a Squirtle said, “hey, long time no see greg. i just ate that bitch out”

And assuming he would insult me I said “i just ate you out” but realized afterward I had no need to comeback.



-the end of the flashback-



Cecilia KOed and Elton gave up.

“you have been defeated” said Misty.

“i killed bill and i can kill you too” I said.

Misty began to scream and I said “give me the fucking cascade badge”

Elton looked very nervous and Misty threw the Cascade badge at us and I said “we need to go quickly, elton”

We ran through a house and as far from Cerulean city as we could.



(4 days later)



We reached Vermillion City but were unmotivated and were also running from the law. It was agreed between Cecilia and I that we needed a vacation, so we wanted to ride on the cruise ship, but we were very poor and so I said to Elton

“you’re a very rare pokemon, elton, so i am selling you for money for tickets on the SS anne”

Elton didn’t object, because Elton is too deep for me to understand. We made 5 thousand from Elton.

“we have a whole adventure ahead of us, cecilia” I said this to her as she stood up by where Rose stood in Titanic. I realized then my feelings for Cecilia transcended what is considered healthy between a trainer and his Pokemon.

I looked at Cecilia standing there singing and then I pushed her off the ship into the sea.

I had no more Pokemon because I had sold Elton and I had pushed Cecilia off of the SS Anne.

I got off the ship and I went another motel.



(the next morning)



I called Professor Oak and I said “my chansey ran away and i have no more pokemon and i need one”

“im out of pokemon, greg, how did you lose your chansey”

I didn’t know what to say so I hung up very fast.

I went to the Pokemart where I bought 6 pokeballs.

“i see you like balls” said an older man in the store. “i like balls myself.”

The older man was using a Machop to build a house. I let him fondle me and jerk me off and I got his Machop. I named the Machop Greg Jr because I was tired of naming my Pokemon after musical references.

“you are my very first pokemon, greg jr” I said to him, as I lied.


“now I can begin my pokemon adventure”


just to reiterate....

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