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Don't Call it Frisco


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haha, this shit is funny. you dont even know a thing about what i do and have done. 1. i bomb atleast 2 or 3 times a month, all nighters, and 2. im not some yuppie hipster fag. Im one broke son of a bitch, been through way more shit than most of you on here attacking me, and will beat the fuck outta anyone who fucks with me or anyone i give 2 shits about. just because im getting an education and am a better artist aside from graffiti then you are whateves, i guess that automatically labels me as a fag now doesnt it? i would for love people from MSK/AWR to hear this shit...producing some of the best burners to date and some amazing artwork, gee, is there some correlation there between the fine art and graffiti? humm... get a fuckin grip asshole... i didnt post to beef, just to possibly shed some light and voice an oppinion. Graffiti is about it all, piecing and bombing, prolificness and style. Prolificness combined with a horrid handstyle, poor can control, and poorly styled throw-up does not make someone great. i agree that respect should be givin for being prolific, but not being held up as a great. people like me are the problem with graffiti? please son. some advice, before pointing a finger of accusation, first look into a mirror before looking unto others you close minded bitch...


Thanks for proving my point. Your a namedropping, dickriding artschool pussy who probably waited in line at the saber art show to get your book signed. If graf doesn't ruin your life then your not doin it right you part time sucker.....

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