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Don't Call it Frisco


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To the other, uninteresting Cake who speaks of himself in the third person (sometimes) on messageboards: you're bragging that you went over something from '04 when you've been writing since '07? Fuck beef, you're playing yourself for a sap if you think anyone other than your 1 or 2 friends and your six screen names respect you in the slightest for your wildly misguided and terribly unimpressive campaign. Your beef isn't even interesting. This is why you constantly have to promote it yourself on the internet. This city has seen some fantastic battles over the years. Yours will never be considered one of them. It sets a sad precedent that some kid can run into the city and just start hacking dudes who have put in work over the years because his retarded name is the same as someone else's retarded name who is in a crew with aforementioned dudes. You are doing Bay Area graffiti a grave disservice. And, sadly, not only is it offensive to the character of this vandal game and, especially in this case, painfully pointless, it's fucking boring. If you really want anyone to even give a shit, do work that makes people take notice. The only thing anyone notices right now is that you clown yourself with your weak attempts to rag out seasoned vets and/or interesting writers and your constant self-promotion on more threads than walls. Keep going over US and whomever else you want, you are winning NO points except the ones you reward yourself.

P.S. I am a third party with absolutely no affiliation to US or any of the guys you think you have some sweet war with. Im just a guy who is saddened by the sorry state of affairs that you have perpetuated here in this glorious Frisco culture of wreckage. Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm a nameless buster that you will straight murder. I've still gotta call it like I see it. Blame the pinot noir.


Did you seriously just say all of that and end it by blaming alcohol for your stupid rant that people care even less about than all that cake bullshit... you're an idiot.

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Did you seriously just say all of that and end it by blaming alcohol for your stupid rant that people care even less about than all that cake bullshit... you're an idiot.


I didn't really blame the alcohol for what I was saying but rather for even chiming in on such bullshit and I still stand by everything I said and apparently so do the many people who messaged me saying they agreed with what I said but, like me, avoid messageboard discourse as much as possible.

You read my stupid rant, formed an opinion, worded a reply, and used your third post ever to let it be known. So, about idiots...

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