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get the fuck over dudes tatoos . who the fuck cares. post some flicks god damnt


espically you cant touch dudes style keep hatin \


this is all this thread is good for.


drunk talk


tattoo is fucked up. but dude can burn you,. w.e we dont get i agree he shouldnt the got that tattoo cuz i know dude doesnt paint them on the daily or regular. but get over esp. pope. dont talk shit dude can burn the fuck out of you. he just made a bad decision about a tatoo get with flicks. fuck all the haters

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^ you sound like the biggest dick rider ive ever seen it seams like your acting like you dont know dude with the tat but you dooo.... and your hiding it... anyways bump my nigga hoer and eros and dudes beer an hide at the fun wall goin over Eros an hoer an havin the respect to shout them out in their pieces mad respect for that.. hopefully the snow stays low since noneya paint durin the storms or flick. keep gettin up while we get down colt 45 in the system an cocaine in da veins

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no dick riding at all. i dont care wtf u think i just wana see flicks not this highschool bullshit

u all talk so much shit on the people that actualy puttn in work. keep siting at your pc talking shit. cuz if u at the pc talking shit u aint painting. so shut the fuck up

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