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Erabik is a nice young man and I enjoy his company all cans aside. Anyone speaking negativly on my homie are obviously not anywhere near his skill level in any aspect of the game.


lol, yeah? ya think so? lol, kids these days. forget that theres a whole game of writers that started 20 years before them and because they learned some style from the internet all of a sudden they fresh. you would be embarrased to know who u just said that to.


that twist freight situation is a younger kid toy move...im gonna go out on a limb and say dude is about 25 and started writing after 2000.


go buy another one of my books

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lol, yeah? ya think so? lol, kids these days. forget that theres a whole game of writers that started 20 years before them and because they learned some style from the internet all of a sudden they fresh. you would be embarrased to know who u just said that to.


that twist freight situation is a younger kid toy move...im gonna go out on a limb and say dude is about 25 and started writing after 2000.


go buy another one of my books

Try kid is under 20. One of those fine art high school kids. and started well after 2000.

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cleveland is long over due for an all city expansion where they annex the suburbs to gain population making the city more eligible for government money.fix the schools ... the landscape goes from urban to rural once you are out of cuyahoga county .. you can get a million dollar piece of property in the heights or downtown .. or you can live in a dump downtown or in the heights .... and you can also buy crack or get stabbed or shot in the heights or downtown .... kid cudi never tried to come off super tough you can get valet in shaker and you can get your car stolen in shaker

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damn i just talked shit too, i guess its game over for me. im so embarassed i might as well quit. i just think its hilarious that ANYONE would make a statement like that for the simple fact that its quite possible that ive never seen one of your pieces. even if i HAVE seen one of your pieces its possible that i didnt feel that shit at all, so what the fuck makes you think a mufucka would be embarassed for talking sideways to you on the internet? newsflash, the only writer i ever looked up to was dondi white, and that nigga dead (rip) so you aint him

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