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dude, look where the fuck i live_ there's niggers everywhere. don't fuckin' judge me man, i'll talk however the fuck i want.


ill judge you all i want, because you suck,

i mean id try to think of somthing i little more eloquent to say to you.

but you suck seems to cover it

go spend hours formatting your myspace, and taking shirtless pics in yourbathroom


and by the way you ever even picked up a can or done anything outside of balpoint pen shit?

nahh not that ive seen so that means your pathetic by graffiti standards too, off yourself kid

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if yinz are better don't chill in the fuckin toy sketch forum. once again, i don't give a fuck who any of yinz are_ you aint shit to me.



I can "chill" anywhere I want, dude.

You can't tell me shit.


Go read a book and learn some proper grammar, son.

I bet your English teacher would be pretty mad to see all her work was in vain.

Don't hurt the teachers, man.

They do it for the kids.

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chill with the beef..i feel like duse and nine are both good writers just different sorts of ppl(differnt clicks/environments)..u guys cant go around saying ones better than the otehr...cuz its like comparing apples and oranges...different styles


enigma..taht pretty good progression..just dont like the m..

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chill with the beef..i feel like duse and nine are both good writers just different sorts of ppl(differnt clicks/environments)..u guys cant go around saying ones better than the otehr...cuz its like comparing apples and oranges...different styles


enigma..taht pretty good progression..just dont like the m..


i just love listinin to him get pissed

provides me with hours of entertainment

right yinz niggas?

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