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alert-im feeling your shit. i like the alert piece and those boxes you had around your handies. i also am loving the down. shits looking good.

cnue-dope throwies. i really like them


im lookin for crits on some of my shit. trying to figure out where to go from here and what to work on. all crits will be returned.






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mmark187 --that dream piece needs to be worked on. the letter overlapping isn't working right. the R, going into the E, looks like a duck's head. if you're going for that, then put some of that into the other letters as well. the bottom of the E, going into the A, doesn't work either. the ceptor piece isn't working either. you need to lose that arrow on top, and kill the connection with the T to the E. work on those letters a little more though. try and keep your letters even sized, unless there is a purpose for it. if you look at the ceptor piece, you'll notice the width on the letters fluctuates. try and keep that shit even with that style. also, fix the top of that C, that isn't really needed. keep posting.


kaos --i couldn't really tell with them photos. sorry man, but you need to figure out your camera settings. it looks like you're shooting through an elderly woman's lenses.


supacola --you've got a clean style with these characters. are you still working with letters?

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mmark187 --that dream piece needs to be worked on. the letter overlapping isn't working right. the R, going into the E, looks like a duck's head. if you're going for that, then put some of that into the other letters as well. the bottom of the E, going into the A, doesn't work either. the ceptor piece isn't working either. you need to lose that arrow on top, and kill the connection with the T to the E. work on those letters a little more though. try and keep your letters even sized, unless there is a purpose for it. if you look at the ceptor piece, you'll notice the width on the letters fluctuates. try and keep that shit even with that style. also, fix the top of that C, that isn't really needed. keep posting.


thanks a lot earl. i'll definitely be sure to take all that into consideration. ill work on something tomorrow and have it posted to try to improve my shit.

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KNIM - that's is not a throw.


Throws should be simple, usually made up of only a few lines.


Look at the throwie thread for a better idea of how to execute a throw.


Here's an example:



If you study it, you'll realize that for the letters themselves, homeboy only used TWO continuous lines. Everything else is secondary to the actual throwie itself...

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KNIM - that's is not a throw.


Throws should be simple, usually made up of only a few lines.


Look at the throwie thread for a better idea of how to execute a throw.


Here's an example:



If you study it, you'll realize that for the letters themselves, homeboy only used TWO continuous lines. Everything else is secondary to the actual throwie itself...


i know what a throw is. i guess i called this a throw cause i just did it real fast with no outline or anything. techinally its a simple but whatever?

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MnTc- Yh i did it straight off the top of my head, which i highly recommend cos it forces you to get a better understanding of the way the body works. Assuming uve already done some reference shit to recall


Earl Broclo esq - Thanks man, yh im still doing letters but not so much recently been havin too much fun with the characs i guess. will get back to it soon tho, mayb post up a color piece or sumthing. But yo i havent seen any characs off o u recently man, post up soon. peace

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dream- if your gonna write dream you better come out real sick cuz dream1 was one of the best san francisco writers ever. Watch Piece By Piece and you will see... or change ur word.


nah i dont write dream for real. i was just practiciing with other letters or words. im not putting that shit up anywhere.

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supacola --i do need to post up some shit soon. i called into work today sick, so maybe i'll flick some old stuff to post. i'm actually going to be painting live at some party this weekend. hopefully i don't make too much of an ass of myself. i'll post those flicks to be laughed at this weekend. keep going with your characters man.

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hey cola im not one to talk shit but you're sayin i progress slow dude you've been workin on the same throw for months now rock some straight letters or some shit, i'm gettin my simples perfect then move on asshat don't talk shit when you can't and no i don't draw much


sorry for commenting on your stuff i guess i wont next time...

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