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ALERT--your shit is good as always.


SUPA --my name is earl broclo, not earl BRONCO. i didn't drive OJ away. also, i like the second character. but the first character looks like that choochie afro dude from american idol. the dude that was paired up with kelly clarkson. i hate that dude. he made a curve look straight.


BOUNCING SOUL --the A in plague, looks just like the U.

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tragk --you've got good colors, clean lines, and your handstyle isn't all that bad. you just need to work on your letter structure. it's not horrible or anything, but it can use a little improvement. i don't exactly know how to word what you should do, maybe someone else can take on that task. keep going though, and keep posting.

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hey cola im not one to talk shit but you're sayin i progress slow dude you've been workin on the same throw for months now rock some straight letters or some shit, i'm gettin my simples perfect then move on asshat don't talk shit when you can't and no i don't draw much

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so it's sunday and im sippin' some lemonadeee









repost because im such a big faggot.



weaze. do simples. simple letters and learn letter structure and proportion so your shit doesn't look absolutely whack


tragk. same goes for you



that squiggleizzzzzzzzz piece, well, two of them, i dont remember by who. is just fucking gay


alert nz-your shit is dope. keep it up and add some color to your stuff! im siked to see more stuff from you.

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HEZER --i'd like to see that when it's done. post more work as well, i like what i see.


ALERT --i appreciate humble people, especially within graffiti culture. you're shit is on fire, and you're posting it in the toy thread. just keep posting that shit for everyone to see. it's good representation of style in this thread.


WEASE --listen to CNUE. do some simple block letters for a little bit. your style now reminds me of the early 70's. i mean you can go with the retro style, but kids today will throw serious shit at you. if you really want to figure shit out, go look at advertisements. study the simple fonts designers use. shit like dunkin donuts, target, wal-mart, burger king. look at their logos or signage for inspiration.


RONALD MCDONALD --i like the second one the most. are you going to color it?


i'll be posting shit soon, i've just got a busy fucking week.

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