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ME too. Just that S, what happened (the 3d)? no disrespect. Last minute thought? My biggest fear is after all my work and coloring to try something that might make it better and to just wreck my hard work. though I recently welcome the mistakes to learn from in the future work. 1 The 3d is broder then the rest of the piece.2 Good work and I like the Caps handstyle also.

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ME too. Just that S, what happened (the 3d)? no disrespect. Last minute thought? My biggest fear is after all my work and coloring to try something that might make it better and to just wreck my hard work. though I recently welcome the mistakes to learn from in the future work. 1 The 3d is broder then the rest of the piece.2 Good work and I like the Caps handstyle also.


thats the 3d is a little funky on the 2nd s and i wanted it to be behind the cracked wall but i didnt inted on drawing the wall there at first when i inked my outline thats kinda whats going on there.

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5 yrs and still toyin it??? GIVE UP on graf homie.. at least u were honest, definently more off than on. graf cant be forced, it has to flow


i only was into graff when i had time to sit down. past 2 years i didnt sit down at all due to my job. i quit my job back to school and as i said before all i did was bite. i never tried to make my own stuff. thats why i am where i am now. I'm not afraid to admit it. i wont quit idc what anyone says.

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Everybody in here sucks, all the graff in here looks like a racoon took a shit and did fingerpaints on ur house. Was that a dick enough comment to let me post in here? Fuckin douche bags, take your daddy raped my butt and now im taking my anger out on people who arent sweet at graffiti asses else where. Sesick im feelin all your shit brah, except the light purple one with the dark purple bits. Fresh ass throw. Shush that def has an old school feel but the left char looks biten alot man. The second s is way better than the first, play with line weight for the black outline of your letters and 3d. The fill is ok its not great but it isnt a bad fill. Try light middle dark instead of mid light dark. Has a nicer natural flow. The black background is uber sloppy. Fix this with cross hatching. Decocide, that hand is for sure in its early days, do it and some others like 200 times each. The throw needs alot of work. The d with the point clashes with the overall roundness of the other letters. And thats a long ass name dude. Maybe shorten it.

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Thanks for the crits guys, def feelin what ure sayin with the K, knew it was a little off. U go from spazzing them out all the time to typeface simple and u lose a little something lol.


Got something in the works that should be pretty cool, maybe post up the pencil outline if y'all are interested to see that?

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^ Was molested as a child. :cool:


ANd Lol @ my rep from this fucking guy. It's so low now.


i was talkin about how all you dudes are acting so friendly with eiach other for no reason. This is an anonymous forum, so say what you really think about some shit if t will help someone get better.

It's like you dudes are afraid to hurt someon'es feelings because you don't know how to learn from being called out.

If somebody pulls your card, you can probably learn something form it that will make you better. And that might be why dude pulled your card in the first place.

Humility is a great teacher, and is sometimes a hard lesson learned.

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i was talkin about how all you dudes are acting so friendly with eiach other for no reason. This is an anonymous forum, so say what you really think about some shit if t will help someone get better.

It's like you dudes are afraid to hurt someon'es feelings because you don't know how to learn from being called out.

If somebody pulls your card, you can probably learn something form it that will make you better. And that might be why dude pulled your card in the first place.

Humility is a great teacher, and is sometimes a hard lesson learned.


"Humility is a great teacher, and is sometimes a hard lesson learned."


That is true, but you're still a giant douche about it and come off as trying to act like an internet gangster. Just sayin'.

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