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man i dont get it i think my sketch is fuckin dope to look at

and wtf consistency? and structure? i dont get any of that mann

random cutins? extensions? what do you mean


its a jumble of shit, dude. it looks like you were trying to get some augor type shit(for lack of better terms), but you dont even know what consistency and structure mean, so you got that instead.



but fuck me.

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ok basically the idea is that u start simple and work ur way up to complex.....try doing differnet ms word fonts, keyboard straights...letters have structures that make them distinguishable from one another,a nd this is a good practice in being able to understand it..also simples and fonts all share their own consistencies....differnt parts line up , differnet parts are the same thickness,, what ur trying to do in making graff is trying to create ur own "font" and there are rules to that......



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Been through this loop before...

Verdict= dont like it dont comment cause i write what i like and being as i am 41 and wqs writing that nick 25 years ago i dont really gave a shit about the whiners or moaners.

I am in it for blackbook only so dont fret precious, i am too old to go taggin and dont bother with walls cause i am all grown up now.

Go find someone else to babysit


@freak thanks for that but i wanted tok try to squish it a bit on this one, next time i will space emout a bit andtry it that way

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Been through this loop before...

Verdict= dont like it dont comment cause i write what i like and being as i am 41 and wqs writing that nick 25 years ago i dont really gave a shit about the whiners or moaners.

I am in it for blackbook only so dont fret precious, i am too old to go taggin and dont bother with walls cause i am all grown up now.

Go find someone else to babysit


@freak thanks for that but i wanted tok try to squish it a bit on this one, next time i will space emout a bit andtry it that way


lmao. 25 years of writing?

you should be alot better

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@yetsio..just because i am 41 doesnt mean i have been writing all the way through that time. Had a run of about 3years when i was young then life kinda happened like wife kids house and job stuff, so i dropped the graffitti till a few mos ago. Tis nothing serious now, just a hobby and something to do to waste a bit of time here n there. People on here need to stop taking out of their asses, there are a few decent ones that offer fair crits that allow people to get better, but a mojority of this crowd is a bunch of asshat cock cowboys who are only here to be useless because they think its funny. Its not, move on

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yo yoooo. some feedback would be nice. get me interested in this site mane. im only lookin to post pics of my lesser used alias's


that ain't bad, biggity-bump that.

post some more stuff, neonX!


boom, you'd be a lot better if you would stop mistaking an illegal and very personal lifestyle with your "hobby". some of us actually take graff seriously and go out and paint. when your rant on like you know what your talking about, it just makes you look like an idiot.

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If my mom took away my paint, I would kill everyone in my family because now I can't bomb the system....




jus' saying and no disrespect




you would be an idiot to say that graffiti is only a lifestyle. some people don't bomb and stay strictly in the books. but its one man's opinion to himself

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real talk homie. get a box of old school printer paper with the holes on the side. some adderall or a little meth (i know im not a big fan either), a box of bic ball points, the white plastic ones, and write your name over and over and over and over and over in your most basic handwriting. by the time your thru it will have developed into a very solid and dope handstyle.once you have a dope handstyle, it goes from there. its like having a strong ollie in skateboarding. everything progresses from there. you can do this without the drugs to

it will just take longer

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