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hippo....you are an idiot.


kote im feelin the top one except i would maybe change up the O and not have that little thing sticking out on the top left, and i like the T on the bottom one more. your stuff looks good tho keep it up.

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thank you hungriest hippo., i dont get all this hate, everytime you do a sketch it gets better and it seems youve done simples , i think all you people just need to appreciate different styles.,and if you see something wrong then say it but dont give usless comments

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here goes:


SCOE - your first one (yellow) is not proportionate. The o has about even bars, while the center bars on the s and c for example are skinnier. the 2nd (white) one is choppy and the top of the c is thick, like someone said. better though. the last one has some disproportion as well, like the center s and e bars, and the s is leaning to the left. dig the simple fill though.


SAW - needs at least one arrow man, c'mon this is GRAFFEETY, BRO. but it is dope.


KOTE - take that wing off the o or at least curve the right bar, it makes it look like a u. also, the thing to the left of the last k doesn't fit in, the curve bar is too skinny.


JEG - you should just do simples, but if you want to know whats wrong with it:

1. your random extentions. Those bump things on the g and j don't seem to make sense.

2. your letters are disproportionate. The middle bar on the e is skinny, the top j bar is weird, too.

3. your 3-d is off. The lines go all over the place...

4. the floaters dont really flatter the piece, it makes it look worse by not making sense as well and being choppy.

5. your lines are choppy, sometimes the 2 sides of a letter dont match, for example.

6. what is that thing going into the g? It is random and blah blah blah...

7. whats up with the forcefield? It's all lumpy by the g and stuff, are those supposed to be bubbles? If so, they don't look like it.


oh and not from the west coast... 3rd coast... still better than CT though... ha-ha.

In all seriousness, though, dont take advice as hate, people here are sometimes annoyed by toys, but ALWAYS HATE a toy with an ego that wont take advice.

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