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Sodem, add a y to the end... :lol:


i do sometimes, theres some with a y in some of the sketches i put up.

i partly started using sodem cause of a friend i write with sometimes named mijos.



and partly cause its just rearranging the letters of demos, the previous moniker...


and thanks for the sketch, service, you write euphoria? im down to exchange with whoever wants to... just lemme know

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ya man that eupgoria came out niceee clean and simple


an attempt at a calligraphy style :S



man this is really really fucking nice, i think its time to leave here man if your clearly not a toy anymore, man if i was starting off and i seen your shit in a toy thread i probably would have just quit there and then :lol: , but seriously your definately not a toy i think its time you stopped postin here and gave other dudes a chance to improve with dudes of their own skill level,


pher, looks alright but the letters need to get the letters down before throwing in the arrows in my opinion, points to fix would be the tops of the P and R and id loose the arrow in the E.


sneekatoke, from the look of your handstyle i doubt that you have tbeen writing long enough to have developed that style from scratch, my advice would be to start from scratch with fonts and simples rather that try to make another style your own, i made the same mistake and thats why i stayed a toy for years


daoist, nice throwie, i would improve the S though

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man this is really really fucking nice, i think its time to leave here man if your clearly not a toy anymore, man if i was starting off and i seen your shit in a toy thread i probably would have just quit there and then :lol: , but seriously your definately not a toy i think its time you stopped postin here and gave other dudes a chance to improve with dudes of their own skill level,


haha thanks man :) alright well next sketch ill deffs post in the big boys thread, hopefully i dont get hated on like i have in the past lol

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sneekatoke.. maybe im wrong but based strictly on the yawn piece it looks like your jumping into the deep end as far as stylising your letters, some of those kicks and stuff just dont look right to me, i think you should take it back to basics because i think without the fill and the the kicks the letters just arent solid, i cant really crit the second piece it really hard to make out the letters, id recommend getting your letters down to a tee before fucking around with mad fill-ins. at the end of the day a black and white burner still looks sick but a toy piece, even with a mad fill-in still looks shit, dont get me wrong your not too bad at all but i think you really got to have your simples down to advance,,,


same to you yetsio, its mad clean but again the structure just isnt there, il say it for the hundreth time, simples simples simples, i was trying wildstyles for about 2 years until i finally had to just go back to basic simples and learn my shit.


duke, haha fuck the haters, there was a dude about a year ago here with one of the madest euro styles ive seen who got hated on so fuck it, its all about opinion whether a style is good or not, the only crit i could make would be stighten up the left side of your D thats real importand so that it doesnt look like an O.


anyway hope you guys know that i dont think im the king or anything im not the greatest writer either im just offering some advise that took me a long time to figure out myself.

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