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Well I haven't been on here..Befor but since I know Im toy. Ill post in here.



Kest- Nice flow, but the lil exstra stuff on the K I think you could do with out.

Sim- Your O is whack...Im not feeling it. It dosent fit the style you are working toward.


Honestly I think this has potential.. The D and the A are done nicely in my opinion, the only things I don't like is the I and the K. The flames arent done terribly on the D and A, and you seem to have decent structure so far. But for now just work on the letters first, and then when you have those down with a nice flow, you can add the flamey stuff on there.

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...man the top arm of your first h is hidden behind the p too much..same with the second one an the T..the e looks a lil akward cause of the extension on top...imo it might work better as a E instead.. the T kind of overpowers the rest of the letters too...my lettering is pretty wack but i been workin on comp fonts to help with it. I like the color scheme, an the concept of the piece tho...

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hahaha. Thanks bro. Props for props. Tryin to get you out of the red.


Haha, thanks man. Once it allows me to, I'll hit you back with some +Props. :D


And by "so many Sunk's" I think he means that SUNK posted like...4 times in 20 minutes, haha.


Wickerman: I think you need to go back to simples. Not to be harsh, but you need to develop some more structure.

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