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Guest theDRIVER
Is it a bad thing? I don't know...I just have nothing to do right now. It's hot as hell in here, pouring rain outside, and I can't concentrate enough to sketch because of the humidity...


Sorry. If it bothers you, I'll stop.


no dude its fine.


its just on everything in this thread haha.

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no dude its fine.


its just on everything in this thread haha.


I like my opinion to be heard. Besides, I am usually helping...most of my posts are helpful in some way or another, or they are about general small talk with the other "members" of that certain thread, such as this one.


I'm just naturally energetic and talkative. Plus, I have within me the spirit of helping people...when somebody asks for crits I give them crits...then it turns into a little conversation with two or three other people, haha.


That and my posts look long and complicated seeing as I use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc...it's a pet peeve of mine.


EDIT: can anybody give me some positive rep? According to my rep - thinger I'm going to be banned soon...actually it went up slightly, but it's still in the red zone which makes me uneasy...I don't want to have to make a new account.

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try doing simples... like BOME

use bars to build letters, don't be afraid of the eraser

keep width consistent throughout the piece

dont use color yet, or arrows, or a 3d

just do an outline in pencil of your outline...


get basic structure down first holmes... maybe in a year or two you can do addons and connections.

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tryin to learn how to do extension and hook-ups.

any advice??


this is nice except i think your extensions could use some improvement liek you said... and i think you should sketch your letters bigger or make them a little taller, like your P's and R's always look really cramped in your sketches.

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It looks like you've a bigger space between the 0 and the 7 than you do between the 3 and the 0. I realise that you've tried to fill up this negative space with some extensions off your 0, but you'd be better off tightening things up and forgetting the extensions. Otherwise, I like the structure.


The colours are good but the border has too much pink in it to nicely compliment the green and the red-it kinda clashes. I dunno if it was a purple marker and it just went up that colour, but blue may have been a better choice.

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Driver: some of your lines are a bit shaky, and the T doesn't have the same width as the rest of the letters. Also, the arms of the T aren't lined up with one another.


Other than that it looks dece.


EDIT: does your rep realyl get you banned? If so, I think I'm done for...people keep nega-propping me and I'm past ban-level.

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^Dude, maybe just don't post as much. Or maybe only check once a day. I mean, you've been on this forum how long and you've got 120 posts? Have you posted any sketches?


Not hating-like everyone else, I appreciate your input 'cos you seem to say some pretty solid stuff, but just if you're trying to understand the nega-props from peeps...


And Maker, I always have trouble with colours. Do you use a colour while? Someone posted one on here a while ago, I found it pretty helpful. Oh, and if you want to exchange, get at me.

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