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if you have done keyboard simples already, you got out of them too soon.

build your letters with bars, all of equal width.

don't be afraid of the eraser.

and don't do addons yet, stick to the basics for a while.

How long have you been writin?



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western style requires strong letter structure, no matter the style.

simples help to create the necessary structure.

a lot of nonwriters might say they think your work is dope,

then on here you're called a clown because the structure sucks.


a good and bad idea is to post on a non-toy thread and see how much you get joked on.

chances are you'll be humbled into simples from experienced writers.

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Here's some shit that I did not too long ago when I was writing Tone.








And here's one that I did early morning in study hall on Thursday (it needs work, I know). I made some mistakes, but that's okay...it's part of learning.


My new name.




Sorry for the low quality of the pictures, but my camera shit the bed so I had to use my cell and they keep posting abnormally large. I edited them down on Photobucket and it did nothing. Sorry if they explode off of the page...I tried to make them smaller. Crits?


Also, those aren't half bad, Yetsio. You need to add a handstyle in there though. :D

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that's the basic idea, but the horizontal bars are too long.

I can barely see the handstyle, but from what i can see, stick to basic letters for that too.

what do you write? I might put something out there for you to work with...


me i write evoke and ok ima fix that

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really you think my name is good?


Yeah, I like it. I see a lot of potential in it. Flows really nice once you get a good style down. Maybe I'll draw something up for you sometime.


EDIT: I just looked up Evoke on google, and it seems like there's already a really good writer who's name is Evoke. You may want to look into that...stealing a king's name isn't a good idea. Just a thought though.

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