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people prolly feel they dont need to rack, because they stick to safe spots and or legals and don't even bomb for shit.


you aint a writer if you dont bomb. we all know if you bomb and if your shits up, there is always the chance of it either getting buffed, gone over, or dissed, and that's why it's necessary for writers to rack paint. else it'd be a never ending expense on your income or your mommy and or daddy's income to just to stay getting up and being up.

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I think some of these people need to spend less time taking pictures of there paint and more time actually using it.

some people need to shut the fuck up and stop BUYING expensive ass european paint



It's only expensive to those who don’t work, or those who aren’t privileged enough to come from 'comfortable' family’s.

This is an 'inventory' thread, the whole concept of it is to post pictures of 'your inventory', unless you're a philosopher who wants to re-invent the concept of posting 'your inventory' into something like "GO OUT AND PAINT", maybe its best you fuck off before you get shown the door money.

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lemme break it down. montana is made for graff. it comes in lots of colors and is smooth and thick. BUT, it buffs easily because it's not made to last. it's made to just come out lookin fresh.


krylon comes in good colors, is moderately thick, and lasts a pretty good amount of time. kind of the bridge between rusto and montana, in a way. it's only downside is that it's base is xylene, which is in a lot of common paint cleaning substances.


rusto has not so great selection of colors, not great cap compatibility (except with rusto fats, of course), but is super thick and lastslastslasts, but it costs a pretty penny too.




in the end, krylon is the most convenient and wallett friendly if you pay for it.


if you're doing a legal prodo or a canvas or anything that really needs to look pretty and won't be affected by weather [does not include hands, throws, or the like, aka. pieces only] you're best with montana.



those are the facts and my opinion. keep it real.





oh, and this is the wrong thread for that question, but now it's answered. no more talky about it. check the paint thread. i'm sure this is one of those topics that's covered on every page.

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It's only expensive to those who don’t work, or those who aren’t privileged enough to come from 'comfortable' family’s.

This is an 'inventory' thread, the whole concept of it is to post pictures of 'your inventory', unless you're a philosopher who wants to re-invent the concept of posting 'your inventory' into something like "GO OUT AND PAINT", maybe its best you fuck off before you get shown the door money.


i come from a well off family

i have a job, i work full time at 16 an hour

it is fucking expensive to go out and buy sabotaz, molotow etc

so i have no clue what the fuck you're talking about when you say "its only expensive to those who don't work or arent privileged enough to come from comfortable familys"

come live in the real world bucko

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people prolly feel they dont need to rack, because they stick to safe spots and or legals and don't even bomb for shit.


you aint a writer if you dont bomb. we all know if you bomb and if your shits up, there is always the chance of it either getting buffed, gone over, or dissed, and that's why it's necessary for writers to rack paint. else it'd be a never ending expense on your income or your mommy and or daddy's income to just to stay getting up and being up.


or maybe some of us earn our shit and are willing to pay the 2 bucks for a can and have jobs and dedicate everything to getting up. no matter what you do you're always going to lose in this game. there is no winning, it's a fact. even if you're ever a king, you still lose in the grand scheme of things. might as well at least avoid the risk of catching heat for racking shit too. it's much easier to get caught racking than painting.

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or maybe some of us earn our shit and are willing to pay the 2 bucks for a can and have jobs and dedicate everything to getting up. no matter what you do you're always going to lose in this game. there is no winning, it's a fact. even if you're ever a king, you still lose in the grand scheme of things. might as well at least avoid the risk of catching heat for racking shit too. it's much easier to get caught racking than painting.


...that's only if you aren't doing it right. if you are, then you'd be able to go out more thus having more chances of getting caught painting instead. racking is apart of the game. it's a fundamental element within this culture. when you buy paint it's like cheating. i'd rather be a king doing it right and lose in the "grand scheme of things" in the end instead of ever being a king at the same time a fake ass sucker. to be a king you'd have to do it all right? racking is indeed one.


also, there is winning in this game. maybe you wouldn't know anything about it since you most likely only buy your paint. it's called fame. getting up, being up, and staying up. by keep on getting it by all means necessary is how you win. which is why bombing is fundamental. to bomb successfully obviously racking is a must.

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I'm not saying you are wrong for buying paint but I think its kind of dumb to post pictures of how much expensive european paint that your mommy bought you yesterday with her credit card.


why do people always think that people that buy expensive paint think that there mums buy it for them?i can aford to buy euro paint we dont have cheap brands that are good quality in oz like rusto or krylon.i like to have paint and i like to mix whats the problem with that?

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why do people always think that people that buy expensive paint think that there mums buy it for them?i can aford to buy euro paint we dont have cheap brands that are good quality in oz like rusto or krylon.i like to have paint and i like to mix whats the problem with that?


haha I'm done with this, People should do whatever works best for them and theres no problem with what your doing ^ I shouldnt have made the mistake of voicing an opinion that would be so controversial to some people:lol:

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i come from a well off family

i have a job, i work full time at 16 an hour

it is fucking expensive to go out and buy sabotaz, molotow etc

so i have no clue what the fuck you're talking about when you say "its only expensive to those who don't work or arent privileged enough to come from comfortable familys"

come live in the real world bucko



Does the real world involve growing up without a father? Living with my mother in a one bedroom house, in one of Melbourne’s shittiest suburb. Then moving up to a high-middle class area and rockin it in a "mc mansion"?


But that wouldn’t even be scrapping the top of my "real world".


Fuck wit, don't you lecture me on life. I haven’t seen it all, but I’ve been through enough to know what its like from all walks of life. Get a clue, 'bucko'.

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does it really matter what type of lifestyle u grew up in? i mean theres a bunch of writers that grew up in the slums that rock the freshes pieces ive ever seen.

well yeah this is gettin off the topics of this thread so yeah new question. n e one have a pic of a Pussy pink Belton?

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only good dulux colours are chrome, white, sky blue, flat black and coffee cream

everything else is disgustingly thin and drippy

wasn't the Galaxy blue good as well? i used to use it but haven't used it for maybe 4 years.


I don't think there is a colour that would go as well as that once you take out some gas.

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wow now that i look at my pic im kinda depressed about it cuz that is hella toy. i need to get my recent stash in here. ill try and have it in here b4 the end of the week.

but KARTOONKILLA i got those and the HELLO MY NAME IS stickers from Staples. its hella easy to rack at the one by my place cuz the alarms dont go off so i jus get all that they have and walk out then wait till they restock again haha

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