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Originally posted by honkylips@Feb 11 2006, 03:39 PM

i delete all temp files and cookies but my g friend still seems to find the porn sites that i go on.....how do i erase all these cookies..?tghanks

i too have dealt with this problem....


tell your girl that it is completely normal to look at porn and to stop being so fuckin insecure and fuckin deal with it....

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Originally posted by ~KRYLON2~@Feb 12 2006, 09:37 PM

hey my comp wont let me open any of my microsoft programs becuse im missing a file so is their a way to use my backup discs to resurect my microsoft task launcher?


yeah you got xp pop in your xp disc and use the repair feature on it to load in missing files


what is the file you are missing copy paste what the entire error is

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Get more processing power


In the Run box, type “Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks�. This frees up any idle tasks running in the background so that Windows XP can devote its full attention to what you want it to do. For example playing graphic intensive games.


Disable Indexing Services


Indexing services is a small program that hogs HUGE amounts of RAM and can often make a computer endlessly loud and noisy. This system process indexing and updates lists of the files on your system, so you can search for them quickly, but it’s completley unnessesary. To disable it, go to the Control Panel and click Add/Remove Programs. Click the Add/Remove Window Components. Simply unclick the Indexing services and click next!


Disable zip folders


Are the ZIP folders too slow for you? Disable it by unregistering the file zipfldr.dll.

In the Run box, type � regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll �


Reduce 10 second scandisk wait time


Start MS Dos Prompt (Start run CMD)

CHKNTFS/T:4 where 4 is the amount of waity time

Type CHKNTFS/? for more info


CDFS Tweaks


Whats the one thing we hate most when copying something from CD, for me at least, is the speed in which the data is copied. Here is the changes that must be made


Look for that registry key, if not there, you must create a new key, then add the following values:-


CacheSize, this must be added as a binary value, then type in this value: ff ff 00 00

Prefetch, this key must be added as a DWORD value, then type in this value: 4000 hex

PrefetchTail, this key must be added as a DWORD value, then type in this value: 4000 hex

Let the ripping begin


Increase ‘CPU priority tweak’ effect


First you must set the CPU Priority setting tweak.Using ‘Regedit’, go to this location:� HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\PriorityControl\� and set the “Win32PrioritySeparation� to “38�


The last adjustment


Set the “Launch folder windows in separate process� setting by opening the “My Computer\Tools\Folder Options\View -and tick the “Launch folder windows in separate process� box. Window XP will open any new window(including program) in its own memory and in separate process priority.(increase stability and speed but use much more RAM than before)

Note: Sometimes this 2 tweak can cause unresponsive keyboard and mouse in Counter-Strike.

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Originally posted by lord_casek+Feb 13 2006, 01:23 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (lord_casek - Feb 13 2006, 01:23 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-Mainter@Feb 12 2006, 05:45 PM

hey casek what was that thing you posted awhile back about firefox and another beta what was it?







no damnit you really gonna make me search?

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Tweak Sites

Kelly'ss KornerGreat registry patches and other tweaks



PC PitstopPC Pitstop can test your computers performance.

XQDC XsetupXQDC Xsetup has lots of tweaks. Don't forget to get the extra plugins.

Jv16 UtilitiesJv16 utilities has many tweaks available for your system.

TweakUITweakUI also has many tweaks for Windows.

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Originally posted by Mainter+Feb 13 2006, 08:41 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mainter - Feb 13 2006, 08:41 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>
Originally posted by lord_casek@Feb 13 2006, 01:23 AM

<!--QuoteBegin-Mainter@Feb 12 2006, 05:45 PM

hey casek what was that thing you posted awhile back about firefox and another beta what was it?






no damnit you really gonna make me search?





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holy shit you would not beleive it this guy brought came in with an old ass custom laptop WITH 16MB of RAM running linux said he was having trouble sending email.............me just stunned for a minute 16MB you know how small that is for linux to be running and sending email he said he browses the web and sends/receives email.no comment the smallest linux i know that can run is 46 MB but 16MB dude has to be a hacker or something using it for packet sniffing there aint no way he uses it for his email

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Guest Sparoism

Mainter, here's some Linux distros that you coulod use on that machine-





Any of these running as console would do fine on 16MB of RAM.


Plus, the Linux kernel was developed with 4 MB of RAM, I believe.


If he's just running a text based browser I'm sure it works fine, especially if he's just checking his email.

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Originally posted by Sparoism@Feb 13 2006, 05:58 PM

Mainter, here's some Linux distros that you coulod use on that machine-





Any of these running as console would do fine on 16MB of RAM.


Plus, the Linux kernel was developed with 4 MB of RAM, I believe.


If he's just running a text based browser I'm sure it works fine, especially if he's just checking his email.


damn you been doing your studing

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Guest Sparoism

Thanks. Having to use old machines has gotten me interested in the idea of smaller Linux systems that actually work.


I was wondering whether he was able to show you how he did that....if not, and you see him again, you should see what he's running on there and how well it works.


I just realized that most cell phones have browsers on them, so it can be done with even less than 16 MB of RAM.


You know, you could be right about him using it as a sniffer, too. If he is, then he's probably using Ethereal or something like it. However, you would think that if he was skilled enough to use a sniffer, it wouldn't be too hard for him to get into the code and fix it himself (unless it was a hardware problem).


Also, there's Dillo. I've used it, pretty basic but it gets you online.

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Originally posted by Sparoism@Feb 13 2006, 11:29 PM

Thanks. Having to use old machines has gotten me interested in the idea of smaller Linux systems that actually work.


I was wondering whether he was able to show you how he did that....if not, and you see him again, you should see what he's running on there and how well it works.


You know, I just realized that most cell phones have browsers on them, so it can be done with even less than 16 MB of RAM.



if i recall it was DSL (damn small linux)

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Originally posted by ARCEL@Feb 13 2006, 11:45 PM

can windows xp detect any kind of problems with a power supply?


no if the power suppy is going you will notice alot of random shutdowns burning electic smell comming from the back loud buzzing(could be harddrive too) if worse comes to worse a fire will start and start shooting out the back in most cases if the powersuppy starts goings south it will take longer for the computer to boot up and soon it will not boot at all

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