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for the dude about firefox profiles...a lot of times it will make you start a new profile if an instance of firefox is running inthe background. ctrl+alt+delete, and then go to processes. find firefox.exe and end it. **only do this if you do not see firefox as being open in the toolbar/you cannot get it to close.**

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I've got a problem with AD AWARE SE. I tried to do a smart system scan this morning and when it got to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/software/..

(something like that) it quit responding and I had to shut it down. Then I downloaded the new version of ad aware (v 1.06) and I'm having the same problem. Is there anything I can do to get ad aware to work? I need to run a scan but I can't now, and the only other software I have is spybot, which I think is enadequate right now. Somebody help me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

something is wrong with my camera's memory card, it only shows some of the pictures i took yesterday, and a few of the couple hundred that were already on it. the camera says it has only room for 30 more pictures though. i think it would help if i could get windows to recognize my camera as a drive like it used to instead of as a camera. only one of the programs i've tried recognized the camera, but windows recognizes it. anyone know of a good memory card file recovery program?


*anyone know how to make DOS recognize usb devices? i found some instructions here, but they don't make much sense to me

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i was thinking of doing an anonymity section for you guys and girls,

but i'll hold off on that stuff. too much to get into.


here's a link, though



and what it does....


Tor is a toolset for a wide range of organizations and people that want to improve their safety and security on the Internet. Using Tor can help you anonymize web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, SSH, and other applications that use the TCP protocol. Tor also provides a platform on which software developers can build new applications with built-in anonymity, safety, and privacy features.


Your traffic is safer when you use Tor, because communications are bounced around a distributed network of servers, called onion routers. Instead of taking a direct route from source to destination, data packets on the Tor network take a random pathway through several servers that cover your tracks so no observer at any single point can tell where the data came from or where it's going. This makes it hard for recipients, observers, and even the onion routers themselves to figure out who and where you are. Tor's technology aims to provide Internet users with protection against "traffic analysis," a form of network surveillance that threatens personal anonymity and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security.


Traffic analysis is used every day by companies, governments, and individuals that want to keep track of where people and organizations go and what they do on the Internet. Instead of looking at the content of your communications, traffic analysis tracks where your data goes and when, as well as how much is sent. For example, online advertising companies like Fastclick and Doubleclick use traffic analysis to record what web pages you've visited, and can build a profile of your interests from that. A pharmaceutical company could use traffic analysis to monitor when the research wing of a competitor visits its website, and track what pages or products that interest the competitor. IBM hosts a searchable patent index, and it could keep a list of every query your company makes. A stalker could use traffic analysis to learn whether you're in a certain Internet cafe.


Tor aims to make traffic analysis more difficult by preventing eavesdroppers from finding out where your communications are going online, and by letting you decide whether to identify yourself when you communicate.


Tor's security is improved as its user base grows and as more people volunteer to run servers. Please consider installing it and then helping out.


Part of the goal of the Tor project is to deploy a public testbed for experimenting with design trade-offs, to teach us how best to provide privacy online. We welcome research into the security of Tor and related anonymity systems, and want to hear about any vulnerabilities you find.


Tor is an important piece of building more safety, privacy, and anonymity online, but it is not a complete solution. And remember that this is development code—it's not a good idea to rely on the current Tor network if you really need strong anonymity.

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arcel... best bet is to completely reinstall.. drivers and all. might even have to delete some other .dlls as well.


w/ my old cam, if the comp crashed while i had the image download/manipulation progam running (which was often since it was crap.. also, no twain support), i had to reinstall all drivers and software... wack.




ok, new prob w/ css for me.. made quite a considerable turnaround, but im now having 1 issue:

#logo {
white-space : nowrap;
#back {
white-space : nowrap;
#image1 {
white-space : nowrap;
#menu ul{
white-space : nowrap;
white-space : nowrap;
#menu ul li{
#menu ul li a{
#menu ul li a:hover{
#menu ul li a:active{

the z-index and positioning attribute don't seem to effect the menu list, it always ends up in back of the back image or image1 and on the top of the page.


anyone know how to remedy this?

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Originally posted by courtorder@Aug 19 2005, 06:42 PM

Casek: Do you routinely run Tor? I was reading their FAQ and it seems like somewhat of a shady program..Is it, in a nutshell, a downloadable proxy?



yeah, i use tor. it's safe.


sort of a proxy. more like an onion...which enables you to be more private.


i ran some test with it and without it, seems my computer is pretty much in stealth mode at all times anyhow.


there are some personal reasons why i had to take extra steps, though.


here's a camera hack for that damned cvs video camera...


now you can save the shit.



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