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Spray Paint

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i have. it is comparable to krylon. it is on the watery side, and very expensive, but here are some things i DO like about it...


it has a normal valve system (unlike krylon)

it has colors that are clear colors, i believe it is called crystal or something, but it is for like tinting/shading, which in my opinion, i mean if you got money to buy clearish paint, is a great idea.

it is normally not in a cage


things i dont like....

very dusty

very runny

very transparent


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im a rebel hooligan


yea, how did that go by the way?


and check your pm's




as for the h2o,i went to town in the paint section and got asked to leave because i told the lady i was gonna spray whether she wanted me to or not because as a customer i deserve to see what color im really buying.


anyway, she got lippy with me so i put it back in the box i took it from and walked off to the school supplies and exchanged all my rustoleum standard caps to brand new boston thins, which are my newest fav essential cap right up there with the rusto fat and surprise surprise walmart has them both.


stickin it to the man. 1/64th of a penny at a time....

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hahahah he said suck the loss! roflcopter!


but yeh, krylon h2o could totally be some great shit if the price were less than better paints that destroy the environment, like rustoleum (oh, rusto, how i love thee! let me count the ways!) and if they could take care of the foamy-ness of it.


also, i wouldnt mind it being a little more opaque....

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this loosely applies to the american fire extinguisher, but still the same concept.


one big difference, our extinguishers that open like this are the silver ones with water inside. they get charged up with a tire pump instead of a gas mechanism like the one in the video


still a great video though


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so i did a piece yesterday with krylon h2o.


i destroyed one of the vlaves on the can so it literally poured out the can while spraying, but i determined, no caps work except the black stop caps with the white dot.


typically they come on krylon short cuts and some spray adhesives.


but man does this cap work like a charm. i got lines 1/2cm with a quick stroke. it also filled nicely and did nice fades and blends. ill upload flicks once my boy spk uploads them.


once plus about it is that it dries fast.

it is also very glossy

it lasts FOREVER. (i did two simple pieces about 5 feet wide and 3 feet high with only 2 cans.)


the cons,

doesnt cover extremely well, better than krylon and valspar, less than ironlak...


umm also, the foam was an easy aspect to get over. if you dont spray in one spot very long, it doesnt foam up. when it does foam up however, it dries so fast that if you bnlow upwards the foam will not turn into drips.


overall, i WOULD use this paint again, HOWEVER... i bought it for 2.50 a can at walmart becasue they had it on discount on the back shelf behind the spray paint at the end of the aisle, and had it been more expensive i would have just bought rustoleum....


if the price were higher than 3.50 i would go with rusto for 3.77


by the way, they still have rusto in black, white, primer, textured and all kinds of other undesirable shades for 3.77, but put it all together it has potential in a piece. they are the tall cans with 33% more for free. it is great.




may i say i have recently been contemplating getting the rustoleum logo or some other rusto paraphernalia tattooed somewhere... i dont know, maybe along the inside of my spraying finger...

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