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Fuck you, Lynne Cheney.


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there are some gay catholics out there.

not all gays are non-religious heathens.


it also seems to be human nature to long for acceptance by the majority.

it's the kinda thing that could force a cultural change too.

if marriage goes gay, maybe more people would be accepting of gay families and adoption.



and yeah, i'm down for a civil union option for all.

especially as a heterosexual woman who will never take a vow before 'god' in a church.


word to seeks, i agree that marriage should be relegated to the church, the gov't should get out of it

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Originally posted by Nekro@Oct 20 2004, 07:04 PM


I could see a solution whereby we remove the word "marriage" from the books completely and just give civil unions to all couples, gay or straight. Leave marriages to the churches, get the government out of religion.





this is what I was refering to. I don't really see why you went bats at me.


i stand by my original statement though. I don't feel the need to mimic straight behaviour to validate my love for someone. I want my rights and that's enough for me.


you do your thing

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Originally posted by symbols@Oct 20 2004, 03:15 PM

there are some gay catholics out there.

not all gays are non-religious heathens.


there are also black skinheads. i really dont people sometimes. ha.


and i would be willing to wager that the percentage of 'religious' or 'spiritual' homosexuals is virtually the same as their socio-economical straight counterparts.



we've stolen another thread. ha.

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Originally posted by bodice_ripper@Oct 20 2004, 03:23 PM

I don't feel the need to mimic straight behaviour to validate my love for someone. I want my rights and that's enough for me.



marriage is not 'straight' behavior anymore than voting in the 1800's was 'white male' behavior.

mimicing straight behavior would be sucking dick.

i know plenty of straight people who think marriage is a crock of shit. it has nothing to do with sexual preference.

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Originally posted by seeking+Oct 20 2004, 07:27 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (seeking - Oct 20 2004, 07:27 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-bodice_ripper@Oct 20 2004, 03:23 PM

I don't feel the need to mimic straight behaviour to validate my love for someone. I want my rights and that's enough for me.



marriage is not 'straight' behavior anymore than voting in the 1800's was 'white male' behavior.

mimicing straight behavior would be sucking dick.

i know plenty of straight people who think marriage is a crock of shit. it has nothing to do with sexual preference.



I think your anaolgy is weak. but that is neither here or there.

Lets move out of the realms of intangible ideals and references to other repressed groups shall we?


*I* (me, myself. not speaking on anyones behalf but my own) have come to this view after some thought. I'd love a wedding. It used to really get to me that I wouldn't have one, and it still kind of does.

But anytime i mentioned it to people who weren't close friends I'd get the same few questions "Which one of you would wear the dress?" and variations there on. I used to get very irrate about it, wondering why some one would ask somehting that stupid, when me and my girlfriend and both female and we like it that way. Then it dawned on me that of course people would ask that, marriage is a very ingrained idea in their heads, and it involves a man and a woman. Which is not what I had in mind.

From talking to my friends, it seems that there are aspects of my relationship that are fairly unique to a girl-girl relationship. We aren't the same as the straight couples I know.


I understand that other feel differently. good for them.

Now, if other gay people want to bash their heads against a wall on this one, let them, but they should know that they are doing it for themselves, not their repressed community.


All I want is my rights, ie to enter a contract with another consenting adult re: housing, visitation in hospitals or prisons, wills, next of kin etc.

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Originally posted by Nekro@Oct 20 2004, 09:23 PM

"All I want is my rights, ie to enter a contract with another consenting adult re: housing, visitation in hospitals or prisons, wills, next of kin etc."





i know, I did point out after you replied to me that the only actual difference we seemed to have on this one was calling it "marriage", which i don't see a being terribly important, esp if its a major stumbling block to rights.


I would completely oppose the churches being forced to recognise gay marriage. that would be awful.

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The term Marriage comes from the bible and religion to begin with. It amazes me that a lot of gay people stride for the term "Married". In reality, you're bitching to the government about being able to "live together" under benifits and taxes, etc. Whatever. However some people STILL oppose the term "civil union" as if it's offending them or something. You want to be married? Go to the church and ask for "God's Blessing". That's the CHURCH, that's RELIGION. You want to be "one" under the government... stride for civil unions and the same benifits.


IMO Marriage within the government should be considered as a union, and if you want to be "Married" to someone go to the church and get the blessing... they can decide if it's honored by "God" or not. That way, everyone is happy.


my two cents...

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haha. i wouldn't consider it 'totalitarian'....it's more of a peer pressure lead tradition. it's not a board mandate, we just try to make new people think it is, so they don't realize they actually have a choice. it's basically just an inside joke that we sort of use as a test (and as a ploy to see boobs, because we're all 15 here) to weed out the whores.

as i said, just ignore me (but as i also said...put em on the proverbial glass, naw'mean.)

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