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so i just cut clear through a tattoo...

vinyl junkie

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i just cut all the way through one of the tattoos on my fingers...

i pulled it apart to see how deep it was and i see a layer of red (blood and skin) a layer of black (tattoo) then another layer of red...

i kinda hurts...

and it's the creepiest cut i've ever looked at...




if that gap were actually just a black line in the meat it would look kinda like that...


toilet paper and duct tape is taking away some of the sting...

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well I know enough about tattoos to say that whenthe cut heals and the skin heals the tattoo will look perfectly fine the way it was before, and no, you cant cut out a tattoo out of your skin, its perfectly deep enough for that not to be possible really:freak2:

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Originally posted by coolio

well I know enough about tattoos to say that whenthe cut heals and the skin heals the tattoo will look perfectly fine the way it was before, and no, you cant cut out a tattoo out of your skin, its perfectly deep enough for that not to be possible really:freak2:

A: if the cut is somewhere that gets a lot of movement (elbow, forearm, finger) it can heal off center from where it was...

seen it happen by accident, seen it happen on purpose- a regualr at my shop had a straight black line done down his forearm then had scarification done over it...

looked like this before


looked like this after


B) yes it is possible to cut out a tattoo, however doing it without leaving a big patch of scar tissue is pretty damn tough...

C) 5 years of getting tattooed, 3 years of working in a shop... knowledge...

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

it's actually not bleeding that much (which surprises me... last time i cut a finger like this i was bleeding all over the place) so i don;t think it'll even scab that bad...

and it's a part of the tattoo that is all black, so if it heals funny i can just get that part re-tattooed...


I had that happen - stabbed myself in the back of the hand where my thumb and index finger meet. The knife just stuck straight up there. When I pulled it out there was no blood at all, just this wierd, clean view of layers of skin, flesh veins and the bone. Never did bleed either.

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Originally posted by bodice_ripper

I had that happen - stabbed myself in the back of the hand where my thumb and index finger meet. The knife just stuck straight up there. When I pulled it out there was no blood at all, just this wierd, clean view of layers of skin, flesh veins and the bone. Never did bleed either.

That is strange
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A fella I worked with called me to tell me he cut his leg with a STONE CUTTER! Didn't bleed at all, but he could open the skin, fold it completely over and see his entire SHIN BONE...............YYYUUUKKKKKKKKK



and I'm not talking about the order of stone cuttes or any othershitty joke you may make , I'm talking rotating blade of rock used to cut interlocking brick!

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Originally posted by Tesseract

glad to see you're all sane...



...ive always wondered about this too...


Originally posted by LENS

The tip of my pinky finger got cut right off once and the doc sewed it right back on. However, to this day i have no sensation at all in my left pinky finger


i severed my thumb when i was three. they glued it back on(or whatever it is they do) it got hacked off at the joint(at a very weird angle, ill have to post a picture sometime) so i cant flex it anymore but i can move it(although i used to have 30 degrees). it diddnt grow as fast as my other thumb so it's smaller but i still have full sensation. it got gangrene after my first cast and the first 2 surgeries. i call it my frankenfinger cause of the scars.

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