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Burners and Style!


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T;7609737']It's funny how traditionalist always cry about this shit and always mention artschool or some shit like these privileged art students versus rough rugged urban kids being traditional. You can't be mad at someone for being good at graffiti people that choose to take shit further always get hated on cause the attention is getting shown on them its not there fault people are into there style maybe you should worry more about making your traditional style better. Everyone respects the tradition of graffiti cats like sofles askew know the history and I'm sure respect it. Guess what neither is from ny and why is there art weak cause it's not hood enough for you. I know a

Shitload of privileged trust fund kids traveling the states bombing and killing each city they come to. There keeping it real trustfund being able to travel and paint. But these cats you consider having street cred cause they bomb. Come on son. Let the graffiti speak for itself and don't be upset when people that are good get props.


i dont know who this was directed at , sounds like your getting mad ..

and who said i was a tradionalist ?? .. i could be the biggest airbrush aerosol art fag on here

i was stating a point and my opinion thats all ..i aint mad at anyone ..IM just saying

if your a hipster, trust fund, airbrush, art school grad that never once ran from the law

or got beat the fuck up for graf , dont call yourself a graffiti writer or graffiti artist...know your role .. your an artist that uses spray paint ..PERIOD

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God, this fuckin' conversation again...

Poe said it right. I know plenty of these bombers that are riding that trust fund ticket around the world on Daddy's dime. Not hating on their hustle. They were given the opportunity to travel and bomb (and yes, graduate from art school.)

At the same time, there are plenty of hometown heroes that get loose with productions and tight effects.

It's all graffiti.

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I personally like anything as long ad it's appealing. I mostly paint legal walls and chill spots now but I did my fair share of bombing and trains...do i consider myself a graffiti artist... Probably not, but that's not gonna stop me from goin out and doin what I do. Everyone has an opinion on what they think a "real" writer is. I say dope is dope whether it's a tag, throw, piece or production.

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T;7609737']It's funny how traditionalist always cry about this shit and always mention artschool or some shit like these privileged art students versus rough rugged urban kids being traditional. You can't be mad at someone for being good at graffiti people that choose to take shit further always get hated on cause the attention is getting shown on them its not there fault people are into there style maybe you should worry more about making your traditional style better. Everyone respects the tradition of graffiti cats like sofles askew know the history and I'm sure respect it. Guess what neither is from ny and why is there art weak cause it's not hood enough for you. I know a

Shitload of privileged trust fund kids traveling the states bombing and killing each city they come to. There keeping it real trustfund being able to travel and paint. But these cats you consider having street cred cause they bomb. Come on son. Let the graffiti speak for itself and don't be upset when people that are good get props.


Traditionalist cry cause "good graffiti artist" choose to take shit "further"? I apologize if I'm taking your message wrong but there's very little people taking graffiti "further". How come unless your stuff is really abstract or the letters are fading into thin air or hard to read or unless it looks bugged out at first glance it's not considered unique or innovative? Is Keo, Part or Doc not unique? Was Dondi not ahead of time? What ever happened to style? Whatever happened to letter structure, flow and most of all BALANCE? Anyone can just do some shit that no one understands and call it next level but its not like that. You gotta be able to master the basics, master style but these writers that people say are "next level" or "innovative" "unique" etc aren't any of that. If your burner can't burn alone as a black and white piece without all these stupid fades etc you don't have a burner. You try to add so much movement into your letters or rock it too hard, thats why your P looks like its gonna fall on it's back and break it's head!

Thats some ignorant shit to say about traditionalist crying cause good graffiti artist are taking it further. If you ask me most people are doing bugged out stuff or "taking it further" doing abstract stuff cause they can't even do a straight letter, they couldn't burn with a simple if their lifes depended on it. Just a bunch of no style having toys creating a mess calling it graffiti. DOC, SYE, HEWS, BATES, WANE, KEO are people who still do traditional graffiti but still take things further. Their Traditionalist. Then there's people like REAS and RIME who do bugged out stuff but completely have a traditional foundation. Just cause you do some abstract stuff or some "different" looking stuff at first glance doesn't mean your taking graffiti "further" Bring style, and balance to the table and then maybe you can start saying who's taking things further. Lets see your piece done in black and white without fades or smoke and mirrors and then we'll talk about who's taking things "further". You gotta be able to master the rules and basics before you can break them.

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i dont know who this was directed at , sounds like your getting mad ..

and who said i was a tradionalist ?? .. i could be the biggest airbrush aerosol art fag on here

i was stating a point and my opinion thats all ..i aint mad at anyone ..IM just saying

if your a hipster, trust fund, airbrush, art school grad that never once ran from the law

or got beat the fuck up for graf , dont call yourself a graffiti writer or graffiti artist...know your role .. your an artist that uses spray paint ..PERIOD


The statement was directed at anyone that thinks there above or should be held above another graf artist period. You seem to think that graffiti only fits your definition, well sorry to disappoint it doesnt. All the above mentioned shit is graffiti. Cause its illegal dont make it more legit. Im not the one hating on another artist so no im not mad, but you seem pretty upset that another cat that paints is getting fame so look in the mirror.


I been around a minute and seen the ups and downs of this shit met and chilled with alot of dope graf artists from around the world and from what i have noticed real writers got respect for real writers weather there bombers or do straight legals. Most guys know who is real and the fake cats. There are fake Bombers and Fake Legal guys coming out of artschool but there are some real motherfuckers on both ends. There is no general category you can pigeon hole any graffiti artist in, when it comes down to it most the cats i here speaking from your ignorant perspective are some dinosaurs trying to hold on to some small ideology they are better because they keep it 100. Shit do you but dont try to shit on another artist on the internet cause he got skills, you are acting like you know personally that he has never put in any work just because he is good. Im not stupid enough to think i know a cats history by looking at his last piece, especially when the artist lives half way around the world.


So in ending do you this thread is about burners and style not illegal graffiti and real G's. So if you want to keep your ignorant talk about real G's make your own thread about keeping it Real so we can keep this one moving..

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Traditionalist cry cause "good graffiti artist" choose to take shit "further"? I apologize if I'm taking your message wrong but there's very little people taking graffiti "further". How come unless your stuff is really abstract or the letters are fading into thin air or hard to read or unless it looks bugged out at first glance it's not considered unique or innovative? Is Keo, Part or Doc not unique? Was Dondi not ahead of time? What ever happened to style? Whatever happened to letter structure, flow and most of all BALANCE? Anyone can just do some shit that no one understands and call it next level but its not like that. You gotta be able to master the basics, master style but these writers that people say are "next level" or "innovative" "unique" etc aren't any of that. If your burner can't burn alone as a black and white piece without all these stupid fades etc you don't have a burner. You try to add so much movement into your letters or rock it too hard, thats why your P looks like its gonna fall on it's back and break it's head!

Thats some ignorant shit to say about traditionalist crying cause good graffiti artist are taking it further. If you ask me most people are doing bugged out stuff or "taking it further" doing abstract stuff cause they can't even do a straight letter, they couldn't burn with a simple if their lifes depended on it. Just a bunch of no style having toys creating a mess calling it graffiti. DOC, SYE, HEWS, BATES, WANE, KEO are people who still do traditional graffiti but still take things further. Their Traditionalist. Then there's people like REAS and RIME who do bugged out stuff but completely have a traditional foundation. Just cause you do some abstract stuff or some "different" looking stuff at first glance doesn't mean your taking graffiti "further" Bring style, and balance to the table and then maybe you can start saying who's taking things further. Lets see your piece done in black and white without fades or smoke and mirrors and then we'll talk about who's taking things "further". You gotta be able to master the rules and basics before you can break them.


This is a whole different conversation and i wasnt addressing the style factor of sofles or whoever we started talking about. I was talking about the generalizations of graffiti artists in general. I dont disagree with your statement i got alot of respect for foundation and tradition and much respect for it, but its not my thing i do what i want period but never knock what others are doing i have tried to remain humble and keep an open mind to styles and things like you mentioned. To me this is more an opinion argument, that we could argue back and forth for a minute but really we just be agreeing but still not agreeing. Its a lose lose to me to argue about style, i just do what i do.

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i was trying to be impartial and state an opinion but i can see now

YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM must be why your catching little girl

emo feelings about it..to all the "dinosaurs" that do letters and have flow

keep on painting ..all the sissys painting on daddys dime and

spraying shit all over the world find another culture to glom onto and

rip apart

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Traditionalist cry cause "good graffiti artist" choose to take shit "further"? I apologize if I'm taking your message wrong but there's very little people taking graffiti "further". How come unless your stuff is really abstract or the letters are fading into thin air or hard to read or unless it looks bugged out at first glance it's not considered unique or innovative? Is Keo, Part or Doc not unique? Was Dondi not ahead of time? What ever happened to style? Whatever happened to letter structure, flow and most of all BALANCE? Anyone can just do some shit that no one understands and call it next level but its not like that. You gotta be able to master the basics, master style but these writers that people say are "next level" or "innovative" "unique" etc aren't any of that. If your burner can't burn alone as a black and white piece without all these stupid fades etc you don't have a burner. You try to add so much movement into your letters or rock it too hard, thats why your P looks like its gonna fall on it's back and break it's head!

Thats some ignorant shit to say about traditionalist crying cause good graffiti artist are taking it further. If you ask me most people are doing bugged out stuff or "taking it further" doing abstract stuff cause they can't even do a straight letter, they couldn't burn with a simple if their lifes depended on it. Just a bunch of no style having toys creating a mess calling it graffiti. DOC, SYE, HEWS, BATES, WANE, KEO are people who still do traditional graffiti but still take things further. Their Traditionalist. Then there's people like REAS and RIME who do bugged out stuff but completely have a traditional foundation. Just cause you do some abstract stuff or some "different" looking stuff at first glance doesn't mean your taking graffiti "further" Bring style, and balance to the table and then maybe you can start saying who's taking things further. Lets see your piece done in black and white without fades or smoke and mirrors and then we'll talk about who's taking things "further". You gotta be able to master the rules and basics before you can break them.




wow, this dude just shut it down.

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i was trying to be impartial and state an opinion but i can see now

YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM must be why your catching little girl

emo feelings about it..to all the "dinosaurs" that do letters and have flow

keep on painting ..all the sissys painting on daddys dime and

spraying shit all over the world find another culture to glom onto and

rip apart




Impartial by calling anyone that doesn't do graf illegal, come one. You weren't being impartial you were stereotyping at best.


And when did i ever mention or have hate on letters and flow, the dinosaur comment was based at the mentality of real graffiti artist as you put it. I dont know how long you been in the game but i am going on over 20 years and know matter how OG i think i am i dont put another mans shit down especially when i dont know the cat.


Wow culture to rip apart, damn this culture was done commercialized long before today's artists. The cat has been out of the bag for a long time deal with it. Best thing you can do like i tell every other person i have this argument is if you want to keep it real keep it real with your local writers school them and give back the tradition that you have, arguing on an internet forum is not going to solve your sensitivity issues with writers doing some shit you dont like.

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I give props to Smash137 for keeping a balance between pushing it further in terms of letter form and style, but still keeping it real dope and funky, plus giving these netch guys something to bite hard into... which some have already been called on.


I think the biggest problem with this whole netch bullshit way of painting is companies like Ironwak throwing all this paint at dudes to try and ride their product on it, and these artists having way too much free paint at their finger tips so all we see on the wall is a brainfart cause they have no idea how to paint rationally, so it all comes out at once.

Perfect example of what i'm getting at, in terms of writer intergrity (or lack there of...)

Ironwak sponsor netch artists, like Sofles... Askew... Vans... etc

The result... how many fucking fill-types and colours can we cram into one space and create wall diahrrea??

Molotow sponsor MadC...

The result.... a fucking amazing wall, still keeping all the fundamental and crucial aspects together of graffiti... style, characters, detail, fills, background, theme!, and she single handedly burns out the 700 wall that she's currently working on.

Now i personally find MUCH more inspiration in what MadC is doing than seeing some plethora of spectrum on a wall. What is the need to use every single colour in the book cause its there? The result looks great on an artistic level, but as far as graffiti goes no.

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