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dr. frink one

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That pose isnt real...



why are you saying that pose aint real? you obviously dont know the dudes graff history. dudes paints mad ill shit and he just gets better, he's a fucking master at his craft. look closely at details and show me a writer that paints as well as him. come correct if your going to judge dudes work. Fucking hater

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why are you saying that pose aint real? you obviously dont know the dudes graff history. dudes paints mad ill shit and he just gets better, he's a fucking master at his craft. look closely at details and show me a writer that paints as well as him. come correct if your going to judge dudes work. Fucking hater


prolly he just meant that its so well put together that it seems unreal???..i dunno just my thought prolly im wrong o well

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Thats funny because growing up and in prison we called the kids in gangs like yours poodles, and you'ld get served for fighting cowardly.tsk tsk.you ever grasp the concept of if a fool steps up directly to you.you go 1 on 1 ,and that means your a man and you step to your business and even if you lose then thats how it is.yourhomeboys just make sure no foulplay or brutal hospitalization happens....?

but you dont fight your own fights?live your own life?

you just all roll deep ,drink each others beers,bum each others smokes,fuck each others girls,shoot the rinse from your homies rig,do each other rotten and then come together to all to stick up for you scumbag coward lifestyle ,n jump one man .


damn dog well said!!!!! I couldnt agree more!!

I have been jumped a few times in my life and fuck you bitch ass niggas you know who you are...



ao icp goa:mad:

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why are you saying that pose aint real? you obviously dont know the dudes graff history. dudes paints mad ill shit and he just gets better, he's a fucking master at his craft. look closely at details and show me a writer that paints as well as him. come correct if your going to judge dudes work. Fucking hater


homie, what im saying is hes so fucking talented that it doesnt even look like graff. i know its real its just hard to believe. i was giving him props. step back

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