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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Originally posted by the_gooch

no, now i am thinking like a knightbat




oh yeah


"and sometimes I sit with homeless people for hours just to hear about where they've been, so I know a little bit about what its like to live without hardly any possesions, it makes you think and appreciate."



and caption reads: "so f'n lezbo"


knightbat thought process.


glass eye?

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Originally posted by the_gooch

post your pics (regular or incognito) and kb title and i will add them to the profile. (send me a link or whatever to the kb account)


also some graff flix, groupies love the graff steez.


photobucket recently took a shit on my face so i dont have any uploaded pics. postthat pic of me i have on my myspace account with the hot chinese chicks. nothing makes hot chicks like dudes more than seeing that other hot chicks like them.

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