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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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oh really?? cool! thats my brother!!! ill make up a care package for you the next weekend hes in philly...... ima do a knightbats fr8 this weekend... with the little bats flying all over the letters(dondi stick figure style)... i really have nothing better to do..... god my life is sad... them sykes are word^!

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Originally posted by cracksmoka@Nov 9 2004, 10:15 PM

oh really?? cool! thats my brother!!! ill make up a care package for you the next weekend hes in philly...... ima do a knightbats fr8 this weekend... with the little bats flying all over the letters(dondi stick figure style)... i really have nothing better to do..... god my life is sad... them sykes are word^!



haha good looks homie, a friend of mine has some stickers in his book from you via Curve.


color schemesssssssssssss:


Burgondy, Flat brown alternating letters, white outline and 3D (i prefer thin drop shadowed ones), black forcefield.


Woven Tapestry to Khaki fade, black outline and 3D, rosey pink forcefield.


Wildflower blue fill, burgondy, leaf green, and rosewood pink bubbles, black outline, almond shines, and spa blue forcefield


Silver fill, black outline and 3D, apple green forcefield.

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cracksmoka.jpgthe crackattack!! i did this for a battle(which i lost, which I dont think i should have)

save1strndko.jpg and this ones like 3 years old... herion got too exspensive... and a smoka was born....

all them new krylon colors are dope too... watermelon, a couple diff greys, some satins(purples, orng) etc... and that seamist or seaweed or whatever the fuck its called...

--->make it suede<--- with an orange coil for tagging... unreal...

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damn i been too busy to stop by, but the knightbat thread has never been better.


dope to see people painting, sketching and doin shit.


savior tge! hot damn, mucho respecto.


works been hectic. busy as fuck. deadline is about 6 weeks away so i'm not buggin yet, just workin hard and crackin the whip on bitches.


i got no funk to contribute. not a drawing, not a flic, not even an interesting story.


oh, i just finished watchin season 1 of 6 ft under. that show is fucking intense. right up there were sopranos for sure. so that been like the most interesting thing in my life lately. great.


effyoo- was i talkin to you about James Clavell? i just picked up King Rat, pretty fuckin dope man. dudes are breeding rats in prison and selling the meat! true fuckin entrepeneurs. hahaha.


and i'm out.

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my school is fucking dumb...they keep telling me the lights are on in my car, i looked outside they arent on, i went outside to double check they arent on, im thinking about going back out there to check again, but what the fuck...you can see the lights arent on....hopefully im not wrong and i dont go out there today with a dead battery, now that would be a bitch...i guess we'll see when 2;00 rolls around

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Originally posted by cracksmoka@Nov 10 2004, 02:51 AM

^^^that shit is bangin!!! i did the "knightbats" throw this weekend... its right alongside I-95 here in philly... i rushed it, but i was just buggin anyhow as we were walkin away a padywagon drove by on the highway and the cop pointed at us.... :haha:




smoka, i'm going to try and flix the KB throw up...when i get to philly, that would be sick....i would post flix, but im having trouble with my account...anyhoo, i have a test today...wish me luck


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