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LONDON (Reuters) - British comedian Sasha Baron Cohen escaped a near-riot at an American rodeo while filming his satirical "Da Ali G Show."







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According to a report in the Roanoke (Virginia) Times, a man who was introduced as Boraq Sagdiyev from Kazakhstan -- in reality a Cohen character named Borat -- appeared at the rodeo over the weekend after organizers agreed to have him sing the national anthem.




After telling the crowd he supported America's war on terrorism, he said, "I hope you kill every man, woman and child in Iraq (news - web sites), down to the lizards ... And may George W. Bush drink the blood of every man, woman and child in Iraq." He then sang a garbled version of "The Star-Spangled Banner."




The Roanoke Times reported that the crowd turned "downright nasty." One observer said "If he had been out there a minute longer, I think somebody would have shot him."




Cohen and his film crew were escorted out of the Salem Civic Center and told to leave the premises.




"Had we not gotten them out of there, there would have been a riot," rodeo producer Bobby Rowe told the paper. "They loaded up the van and they screeched out of there."




It is not the first time Cohen has wooed controversy with his show, which airs on Channel 4 in the UK and on HBO in the United States. In one episode last year, Borat sang an anti-Semitic song called "Throw the Jew Down the Well" at a U.S. country music bar, prompting protests from the U.S-based Anti-Defamation League.




Producers of the Ali G show, Talkback Thames, were unavailable for comment.

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yea i really dont know a whole lot about stuff outside the shell i call home (i think its a pre-requisite of philly graff to be sheltered and closed minded... :haha: ) jedi5 is dope too though... yo whos all down for this wall anyway?? me n wifey will definately roll up for a weekend.. HOTEL PARTY..kb style... glik youll have to show me some ny racking spots if we roll up... i heard theres home depots run by str8 hesidic jews that are CAKEWALK...

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yo no doubt, some of these spots are fucking sad how easy it is.


Ive heard of Jedi and another nameless NY head walking out with HUGE fucking scores.


Most of these are upstate NY though, like Poughkeepsie NY.


No gaurds at the door AT ALL.


We used to go to yonkers, but that shit is like Fort Knox now.

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thats whats up glik well definitely do the thing if this ever pans out, speaking of, wheres gooch the master mind at 2nite?? i saw he was on, but no updates?? ah well... i gotta go to sleep, working for a living sucks... one last self promo fer the night its an old one... peace my fellow bats.. holla at ya smoka...


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god damn u gliko. i wish i could fucking rack like that. i would be all over this town if i had paint like that.


once upon a time in 6th grade i went to CVS after school with a friend. So my friend points to this green LIGHT SABER ERASER (i kno!) and im like, u want it? Thinkin i was ill shit, i ripped it out its package and proceeded to the register to purchase my CVS brand cola. Im a dumbass, i remember seeing this random guy running around the store wondering wtf is wrong with this dude and laughing. He was the CVS secruity head and was lookin around for me. After he found me he gave me quite the stern talking to in front of like half my school and random ppl.


Ever since ive only stolen like 10 paint markers, and even wen i did that, i'd be all shook. theres so many times i coulda stole like anything at all, but im always super paranoid that theres a camera sumwhere of the doors are gonna beep wen i walk out. i hate it.


sad i kno.




This is mwah.




This is old, can't show anythign new since my scanner has been retarded since i re-did this pc.



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