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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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When it's late in the day on the ounce,

And things are getting slo-o-ow,

Have no fear - Have Beer ! -

Let the troubles dissapear,

Cause the bats are here to pounce !



Long live the Bats in Armouuuuuur.


We fight boredom and SQUALOR!

(dum dum dum dum dum)



When it's late in the day on the ounce,

And boards are withering...

There's a bunch of nerds

Flapping away in herds !

Much more bling than to what bling amounts.



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Pinup: ever wondered what 20ft high duck does ?

iquit: as a matter of fact i have

Pinup: QUACK

iquit: that was quacktastic

Pinup: yo

Pinup: you totally abandonned me mast night

iquit: dude, work was over. i aint stayin late to play on 12oz

Pinup: you should

Pinup: you've got no pride

iquit: i have a little

Pinup: a smidge ?

iquit: a tad

Pinup: a zoot

iquit: a wee bit

Pinup: i'm bored

iquit: sorry holmes. write a knightbat theme song

Pinup: haha

Pinup: will do

iquit: sweet

Pinup: a quick one

Pinup: that you'd sing at the football stadium like

iquit: yeah exactly

Pinup: bwahaha

Pinup: i have the first verse

Pinup: so totally hip hop

Pinup: When it's late in the day on the ounce,

And things are getting slo-o-ow,

Have no fear - Have Beer ! -

Let the troubles dissapear,

Cause the bats are here to pounce !

iquit: sooooo hip hop. post that in the thread. better yet, post this entire conversation

iquit: gotta bounce

iquit signed off at 08:05:22.

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lil flip is on http://ontoptv.com/ RIGHTNOW!! gameover. naruto 85 is out. sasuke is a pussy. i twisted my ankle the other day. its better now. i played ff2 for about 1 hour earlier. the dark elf will die. i just ate some ramen with crackas. mmm saltines. as im typing this lil flip left and was replaced by beyonce. mmm beyonce. i washed my passport yesterday!blargh!i ate some fried wings earlier with ranch instead of hotsauce. it wasnt too bad.

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Originally posted by Seldoon

lil flip is on http://ontoptv.com/ RIGHTNOW!! gameover. naruto 85 is out. sasuke is a pussy. i twisted my ankle the other day. its better now. i played ff2 for about 1 hour earlier. the dark elf will die. i just ate some ramen with crackas. mmm saltines. as im typing this lil flip left and was replaced by beyonce. mmm beyonce. i washed my passport yesterday!blargh!i ate some fried wings earlier with ranch instead of hotsauce. it wasnt too bad.


holy ADD

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Originally posted by 8onus

yo, any body fuck with frisbee golf? i played yesterday with a couple freinds...possibly my new favortie sport, cept i have to go to the suburbs to play.


no hippies allowed in this thread. just kidding. i actually have a dark secret that i will share with you. i am good at hackey sacking. seriously. i rock. i never got my frolf on, but i guess it could be fun. it just has such a negative hippie association that really turns me off. fuckin hippies.

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Any sentence involving him and hackey sacks are not true.

Anyone saying iquit is a hippie will be locked up and raped for the preserving of our equal rights.

iquit's rights are more equal than others.




I would've loved USSR.

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Originally posted by EyeforAnEYE

I'm listening to Swiz, Jawbreaker and Farside right now.



and why is this on the 2nd page! FLY OR DIE BITCHES


jawbreaker is my favorite band. unfortunately, jets to brazil doesn't quite cut it. swiz. hahaha. awesome. farside. excellent.

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