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ok after drawing a "fuck" piece on my leg i fee better.

Drinks: im not healthy like you guys. i'm on a red bull diet. at least 3 a day. when im riding i just chug the shit out of water. if im feeling extra shakey i'll have a gatorade or something. i never fucked w/ the mix stuff. oh and i eat 3-4 power bar harvest's a day to. chocolate chip peanut, yum!

Gloves: heres the secret, Snowboarding gloves. Burton to be exact. not cheap by any means, but fuckin 10x's better than anything peral makes. at the least buy burtons windstopper glove and stick it in a shell if its really cold. go to a snowboard shop and peep the gloves, pick a thin pair out and you should be good to go. extra stylish to. bullie dat.

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Hesh... sorry you're having a bad day. Those are never good.


Mr. Law... I own a pair of Windstopper gloves like Alkaline mentioned. They're made by Castelli and cycling specific. Very nice and very warm. Especially if you have a base layer under neath. I suggest anything with the Windstopper logo. Look for it. When you see it, you'll know. And unfortunately, all things in this catagory are exspensive. But when it comes down to frozen fingers or not... it's best to spend the extra $20.


Anyone have any suggestions for cold/ wet weather socks? I have a nice pair of windstopper booties, but when the rain comes down... the feet get wet.

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Originally posted by Joker

Anyone have any suggestions for cold/ wet weather socks? I have a nice pair of windstopper booties, but when the rain comes down... the feet get wet.


oh man tell me about it!yesterday,was the first time in a long time it rained round these parts.(ha that sounded very redneck)anyways,i was like "word,rain,ill ride to work in the rain"so i pulled out the rain gear,goretex nothface jacket and pants,warm gloves(not wind or water proof though) and rode my but to work.it was nice,wet,but nice.i miss the rain so i was a lil geeked.well i get to work,dry mostly cause of the goretex, but i realize, i didnt bring an extra set of shoes.and the ones im wearring are like 10 pounds each,soaked with water,squish when i walk and water is commingout the toes.damn if i had to forget one thing,i wish it wouldnt have been spare shoes.so i had to buy new socks(cause i forgot dry socks too) and wrap my feet in plastic bags and wear soaking wet cold shoes all day.oh well,a painful lesson.next time ill remember the dry shoes,or get some booties.

oh yeah hesh,go threadless on the stem.i agree with everyone else,threadless is the way to go.no new bikes to my knowledge are useing quills,everything we get at the shop is theadless,plus i think it looks way more pimp and customized.and i had never thought of snowboard gloves.thats genius man.im going to look into that.

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THE LAW totally creamed a guy who ran in front of a moving bus this morning....sorry guy, THE LAW sees much but not all. He can't see through a bus. THE LAW thinks he was more shook up and felt stupid more than anything else. No need to worry, THE LAW is OK.


So, these fancy gloves are gonna cost THE LAWMAN 30-40 bucks huh? sheesh, that's some hollywood money for some gloves that he's just gonna lose in the space of a month. hmmmmm....what to do...frozen fingers=bad...warm=good....what if THE LAW just tied plastic bags around his almighty judicial fists?

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ok law man heres the ghetto answer. these are what i wear out painting in the winter. ARMY SURPLUS. get the wool liners and the leather outter glove. works good, nice and toasty. for those extra cold days, put 2 liners into each glove. yo man, you have more bike drama than any of us.


as for wet feet. i always heard the overboots work well. im ghetto, so i wear good wool or pol-propeliene socks w/ a plastic bag over em. lots of fun on the fixie. i go to stop and my whole foot pops outta my shoe. ok it only happened once, bu tit was scary.

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Hey, Joker, there are a lot of companies that make shoe covers and waterproof socks. The problem (so I've heard) is that they don't breathe very well. You may not get wet from the rain, but your feet will be soaked with sweat. Unless you have the time to dry out your feet after a ride, this could be potentially bad (athlete's foot and all that).


Try a few out and see which ones you like.


Pearl Izumi Typhoon Bootie


Pearl Izumi Amfib Shoe Covers

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THE LAW goes much fast on the bike...during rush hour...in a major city...with little regard for himself or others.



THE LAW thinks he'll probably bite the bullet on the gloves and pony up the cash...you think the snowboarding gloves are better than the biking gloves, or is that windstopper hoopla the only thing that matters? He'll check and see if any of his bike shop connections can come through on this one.


why is it the ride home from the bar always seems to be twice as fast?

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Guest imported_Tesseract
Originally posted by THE LAW

why is it the ride home from the bar always seems to be twice as fast?


It seems that THE LAW is miscalculating time and notice half of the things he usually does when drunk...


However i must admit that the way back always seems faster than the way towards.

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yep serotta designed them along with the team from ride magazine specifically for the aforementioned atlantic ave of hell. it is made to get the shit kicked out of it and be a fixie (not common when you have alove of fixies and hand lugged bikes) tho that sounds misleading the big dig is welded it is black and tough like anything black should be. like dickies. oh wait we touched on that already.


fucking canker sore.


new job with ups. snap. ill be warm this winter.

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Guest imported_Tesseract

I hope THE LAW gets well soon.Its seems that THE LAW was very lucky.

And since you brought up star wars i feel like yoda is talking when i reply to you... that 3rd person thing.

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it seems to me that THE LAW has some strange luck on bikes.be careful and i hope your arm feels normal again soon.getting hit really sucks,once about 6 years ago i got hit pretty hard,straight on from the side,this girl was pullig out from inbetween 2 buildings very fast,didn't look and BAM nailed me.i was on a spanking new bike,i had saved all summer for,when she hit me me it flipped me over the car i landed behind it on my but in a sitting position,i was ok, a lil bruised and shaken,but the bike was lost,both wheeles taco'd the frame bent pretty bad.i had only had that bike a couple weeks.i did get a new bike out of it,but getting hit still sucks.be safe THE LAW.

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homegirl just decided to pull into a parking lot over two lanes of traffic without signalling (or looking in her mirror) right into me. Then she proceeded to try to step to THE LAW like it was his fault...words were exchanged.


bike is OK. THE LAW is OK...it's just scary to be hit by that much metal.


THE LAW's luck this week is pretty shitty. He's been through a couple shady painting mishaps and personal ones as well...He plans on staying inside for the rest of the week drinking beer in his bathrobe until the torrent of bad luck subsides.

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THE LAW's luck this week is pretty shitty. He's been through a couple shady painting mishaps and personal ones as well...He plans on staying inside for the rest of the week drinking beer in his bathrobe until the torrent of bad luck subsides. [/b]


Seems like there is a lot of that going around... I think I'm stayin' indoors puffin' eLs forever...

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sir bumps alot



Al. you'll be happy to know i motivated and ordered the necesary tools to determine weather the ol girl is dead. by tuesday i will have a crank arm extractor and a cup tool. weeee. if my frame is shot im going to order the pista sl i think. nice and simple.


while at the shop i'd thought i'd be cool and act like i had the money for a new road =bik. so i got the gy going on the de rosa's. hot shit i want one. them jawns satt at $2400. though. YIKES! oh well. hes got a colnago something or other. all campy super sweet. its used, but it was his. its 1400. id buy it if it wasn't 56. grrr.

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