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i got matching green tires now punk


the couriers also come in yellow,orange,grey,black,and a few others. definitely the most bang for the buck. love em.

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this baby needs a bounce.

pretty wheels hesh.

i've heard that shimanos are great but also a pain in the ass. dibs they came with a special tool right?

joker, i won't become a slave to the trainer, i just want something to burn off the energy and sexual frustration (i'm in a long distance relationship) after a hard day. commuting is now out of the question, so i come home and want to ride, but i just can't make it out with my hours.

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tearz,you say those shimano wheels come with a special tool????i had no idea,this guy just brought some in to my shop to have em trued.a special tool made for thos wheel would have been so nice,imagine tryin to get your fingers and a spoke wrenh inside those spokes and close enough to the nipple at the hub to turn it.pain in the a#$.oh yes,and my favorite road tires are michilan axial pros 25c.i dont know why but they just feel so smooth,and ive been able to put quite a few skids on em too.got my new mtn bike yesterday,sold the old one and bought a gary fisher sugar 2,2002 model,woooo hoo.carbon rear triangle,mars elite fork,bontrager tubeless wheeles,lovely.and its gold...gold is gold,silver is losing.

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Sexual frustration? Eat ice.


The C-40 is a dream bike! Absolute dream. I test road one... with no intention to buy, obviously, I don't have $6000 laying around... and the ride was perfect. Smooth. Although I did feel like I was going to break it. I really think that bike is made for small and lightweight people. I'm small, but not lightweight. 5'9" and 170 is not light by any means. And the Campy Record was perfect. All in all... lovely ride. If you have the means, and the bike shop friend... I highly reccomend a test ride. The Cinelli Track bike is a slice of heaven as well. Also a pocket burner...

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THE LAW hooked up ANOTHER flat on the way to work on friday, but he's back in action again....with a completely new front wheel. oh yeah.


count down to bar-b-q time....3 hours.

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THE LAW,i think you could benefit from some mr tuffy tire linners.use em and say good buy to flats.i use them in my commuter bike and swear buy them. if i recall hesh has had good luck with them as well.$15 could save you a whole lotta frustration my friend.

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yeah...THE LAW is rocking Mr. TUffy now. he got stupid pissed last time he was changing his tire and forgot to put it back in...he made sure it was in there good this time. THE LAW rides in a tough city. "broken glass! everywhere!" hahaha.

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Originally posted by THE LAW

yeah...THE LAW is rocking Mr. TUffy now. he got stupid pissed last time he was changing his tire and forgot to put it back in...he made sure it was in there good this time. THE LAW rides in a tough city. "broken glass! everywhere!" hahaha.


for some reason almost every element of this post made me pee everywhere with laughter. just the visual of some greasy tough guy wearing a white t-shirt that says "THE LAW" in huge black letters across the front getting "stoopid pissed" at getting a flat and muttering under his breath "next time i'll get mr. tuffy....." hahahahahaha. ok.

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that anti-flat goo is complete trash by the way.

and man o man, i'm having a tough time getting this new bike on the road... the price just keeps escalating... there are so many decisions to be made on so many critical parts, its just.... oh man. i mean i could spend days thinking about the crankset and hubs alone. i'm thinking dura ace and phil woods so now you see why price is becoming a problem.... sheeet and i gotta make some solid decisions by wednesday when more parts come in...

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the dura ace is a sure thing. they are the best and i have not had a single problem with them. campi (sp) are good to but they cost too much and my dad has them and hates them. they are alway breaking but they do fix them for free but you shit out of luck if you don't have another lever. with hubs i like american classic (im not saying that just because they sponser me) but they are really light and have worked fine for me.


first cyclocross race next weekend in northern VA.

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I've ridden Campy and I've ridden Dura-Ace. Both have their pro's and con's. Though I would say lower-end Campy is a better bang for your buck than lower-end Shimano. I think what I personally don't like about Shimano is that the whole lever moves when shifting. It's a lame annoyance, I know but for some reason it bothers me. I do like how quick the response in shifting is though. Though I don't like that you can't move the front derailer little by little for those drastic chain moves... 39/11. What I love the most about Shimano in comparrison to Campy is the brake hoods. They are way more comfortable for the stretched out riding position. But I still like Campy better. I think it's because it's one of those things that I can feel. I can feel it when I shift. I dig the thumb shifters. The hidden cables. Though it's all really a matter of preference. I've found that people are the same way in this arguement as some are about Mac and PC. You just have to ride each and see what feels right for you. Has anyone tried a rig with those Mavic remote shifters?

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joker "Has anyone tried a rig with those Mavic remote shifters?"



i met a guy at a timetrail who used the Mavic remote shifters they help a lot in timetrail because you don't have to move your hand to shift so you gain those valuable seconds. he said good things about them but if im not mistaken they might be alittle heavier then regular shifters. and he said every so often they will screw up but nothing serious. i know when they fist came out they were opperated by cables and cables are a damn mess. the new ones are remote so they're a little easier to deal with.


i don't know if i like the whole idea of them. i kinda like to feel my gears shifting not leting some computer do it. but that's just me

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Originally posted by suburbian bum

I cant beleive how little of you mountain bike, its the best shit, bombing down a single track at 30 mph, hitting jumps and bumps and thumps.


mtn biking is my life right now,i heve been ridding a lil of everything,but good singletrack is why i mount up.had a killer night ride last night,clear sky,you could see every star in the sky,and chilly too,autumn is here.its kinda nice to see your breath when you breath into the cool air sometimes.personally on my road bike(my loaner bike)i have shaimano,i like how the shifting is so accessable,in the brake levers.but its all i have ever spent time using so i am somewhat biased.i think the campy stuff is nice,but it seems to me that you need to be above the brake on the hoods to shift with that thumb shifter,i like that with the shimano stuff you can stay above the hoods or in the drops and still shift through your whole range of gears.ive never heard of remote shifting.that sounds pretty nice,id love to try that sometime.on mtn bikes shimano came out with an air shifting setup,its all button actuated,no levers or whatever,and it supposedly shifts super fast and percise,although at 1200$for the set ill keep using rapid fires.

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i'd love to rock the ride fixie style. if i can't come through / the club racer (the $$ for it) you'll see me on a TRACK bike w/ 3:1 ratio racks, paniers and the whole 9. muhahahahahahahahaha.

as for cranks, im a dura ace man myself, but the campy shit is off the charts as well. btw, old dura ace.........;)

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ok...so THE LAW was riding back from the liquor store yesterday after a long and grueling day at work. In addition, he had ridden through some pretty hellacious weather on the ten mile commute home from work. you get the point, yesterday sucked.


...back to the story...THE LAW's riding back from the liquor store at around 10 last night with 30 cans of the cheapo local brew on his handlebars ready to get busy on his living room couch.... needless to say, 30 beers on a roadbike is a disaster waiting to happen. less than 100 yards from home, THE LAW hits a bump and takes the spill to end all spills into some family's halloween decorations. Sweet comforting beers were all over the sidewalk and THE LAW had give one to a restaurant employee who saw the whole thing and helped THE LAW and his poor beers up off the ground. it sucked.


ok...that didn't have much to do with bikes, but it had to do with THE LAW falling off of one and it keeps this topic near the top.

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Hey, THE LAW, buy a cheap light and a sturdy bag. I can't tell you how many times my little battery powered light (CatEye) has helped me out. If you were already drunk though, there’s no amount of advice that could have helped you on that particular evening. Beer + Bike = Lots of falling … believe me, I know. Miller Lite now comes in plastic bottles (at least here in Texas) if you’re into Miller Lite.

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