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http://cgi.ebay.com/2006-Bianchi-Pista-Concept_W0QQitemZ160143510130QQcmdZViewItemQQssPageNameZRSS:B:SRCH:US:101 57cm.


Personally if I wanted black I think I'd just try to find a deal on a newer Concept than get a powdercoat with the remaining cash. Celeste green is one of my least favorite colors by the way...


Bridgestone Anchor keirin frame came today... so stoked on this build. I can't wait to ride it at Alpenrose.

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From the days when I rode BMX...




I still remember setting up my bike with the "Binder" front brake conversion kit...




A P.K. Ripper was the ultimate bike to own. A friend of mine still has one that just sits in his basement collecting dust... it's a shame... however, the bike below is not a P.K. Ripper...




This is basically what my bike looked like in 1985 or so... except my seat was all white...




This makes what the kids do now look ridiculously phenomenal... but when they started doing this stuff... it was the bees knees...


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Ive finally come to my senses and decided to invest in a helmet. Anybody have any sugesstions? Ive been looking at Giros mainly because they look ok, but barely ok, mainly the Boreas. Any help in this department would be greatly appreciated.

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why don't you guys just go to a local bike shop and try some on? No one can tell you what helmet, or anything cycling related, is best for you.


But, back to your point, whats the use of having a bicycle related thread that does not help with information on bikes? That seems kind of non-sensical, does it not?


I mean, personally, i dont beleive this thread should be strictly a highlight of your, soup's, and Joker's racing careers(the utmost respect to all of you). We all know you guys are the most knowledgeable on the topic so people come here to get help from the best. Im sorry if people who know less about bikes and bike related things are unworthy of your help, but we just come here to have a good time and talk about bikes, not listen to an ESPN highlights reel of the tour de swedish erotica and be silenced by the "masters".


Just my thoughts, i dont mean to spark an argument or bad blood, i just dont think you should rule people out (not just me) because we are less knowledgeable.

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/\/\haha. "tour de swedish erotica"


ask questions because a second opinion never hurts. sure, if he buys a helmet it will probably be from a bike shop and depending where he's at he might end up at some "bicycle village" or "performance" getting helped by shitbags, so atleast he can walk in with a base knowledge or a recommendation (or advice against a certain company, accordingly).


i haven't owned a helmet in a few years, but due to "job regulations" i have to ride with one now. i've had bells and giros and been happy. i'm buying a new one this weekend.

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its def celeste. and im 99% sure its the 53.

if youre interested, ill hit him up to see if hes still selling


if its celeste, then its an 05 or 06.


i know my urban outfitters plumber pipe piece of shit bianchis pretty well.


just kidding about that though, i like bianchi's

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...personally, i dont beleive this thread should be strictly a highlight of your, soup's, and Joker's racing careers....


holy shit i have a racing career? Must've been my mink coat and timbs that confused him. Duder, cycling is a sport to the folks who post here. The group doesnt seem much concerned with discussing the commute; like what cafes are good and which sunglasses to wear. And just like sunglasses, all helmets do their job to the best of their abilities— any discussion about them is gonna be solely based on looks and tacky Technological breakthroughs that advanced the sport of cycling as much as carbon fiber bottle cages and bar plug mirrors. Dont get me wrong, We all might have our own sense of what looks cool and shit, but someone will post about that shit with the regularity of a total solar eclipse.


Theres a lot of forums on the internet about bikes. Bike forums is a good one if you want to keep up on latest in helmet chin-strap technology. Unfortunately none of the folks here are interested in this thread going that direction.

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Ive finally come to my senses and decided to invest in a helmet. Anybody have any sugesstions? Ive been looking at Giros mainly because they look ok, but barely ok, mainly the Boreas. Any help in this department would be greatly appreciated.


I don't think Swedish was trying to be a dick. I think he was merely stating that telling someone that the new Catlike helmets are great is kinda saying the new underwear I got is the best. Helmets are personal and the fit is the most important thing. While a helmet might look really cool... if it doesn't fit right, what's the point. Giro is definitely known for making a great product. Bell has been around for so many years, in so many sports, that I think they're pretty sure they know what they're doing. Rudy Project makes a decent helmet. LAS makes a decent helmet. The list could go on. But Swedish put it best... go to a LBS and try some on. It's the only way to know for sure which helmet is right for you. If you don't have a decent LBS near you... make the trek one weekend to a store that carries a good selection. It's an important purchase, style points only account for so much where safety is concerned.

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i like riding in some nice spandex, my super scene campy jersey breaths well and the chamoix in my shorts keeps my lower half happy.


although, i often got shorts over the shorts so you would never know that im wearing them, except for when i hit up the time trials and tour de nez

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