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ok what u gotta do is say fuck the gym.


monday ride 50 miles. tuesday ride 100. wednesday you do intervals, thursday you rest, friday you climb, sat you ride 50, and sunday is when u heal. Switch up your rest day now and then as you feel u need it. Sat rides can be skipped now and then, but try not to.


Everymorning when u wake up do 15 mins of sit ups and 15 min of pushups. dont exercise before bed, thats stupid.


oh and you must eat pasta.

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Its not that simple^^^. maybe you're joking.


Soup, if you are interested in lifting weights, i suggest picking up Friel's "the cyclist's training bible" or carmichael's "ultimate ride". But basically, if you are racing bikes, strength training is done during the winter, strength maintenance a few times a week is done once the milage starts to pick up, and weight training stops once spring rolls around.


and why is it stupid to workout before bed?

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eat 3:1 or 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein 5-120 minutes after a workout. it'll help you build muscle / recover faster. yogurt is perfecto. if you're a perfectionist, i think 30 minutes after a workout is the most optimal time for the post-exercise meal.

yes, very good advice. adding on to it, another good option is chocolate milk.

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I do all my gym work starting in October and phasing it out by March and completely done by mid-April. Working on the legs is a good idea, obviously, but it's also a good idea to do some minimal upper body work and definitely some core work. Stretching is very important on gym days and even after rides. Self massages can be good too... I'm hearing.



Been off the bike for a few days but am now getting back to it tomorrow. Weather here is in full summer mode so I have no excuses other than motivation. Was hoping to get a track bike this weekend but shit fell through. I should have called before making the trek up to the shop. Oh well.

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naccc's and cmwc;s are the wackest events EVER. yawn fest.


hate aside.


my tri is in 2 weeks, went on vacation all last week. didnt do much other than drink mojitos and surf. i ran like 10 miles total. havent ridden my bike in 2 weeks. fuck it. im gonna dope and juice should finish good.

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I cant see that frame going for what its worth either. Look at that downtubing. Must be stiff as fuck.


That is an old Ti frame. Early 90's hence the 1' steel threaded fork.

Very nice in it's day and still is. The funky downtube was due to the limited availibility

of Ti tubing commercially so larger diameters were not being produced. They used two smaller ones to stiffen it up, obviously. Early Ti was small diameter and there were many different qualities. That was what set different Ti bikes apart, the blend of alloys and the wall thickness. Even now not all Ti bikes are equal. Light they may be but stiffness and ride quality are factors that can vary widely.

Bad news about the Colnago Bi-Ti is they were known to crack at the BB shell.

Doesn't mean there aren't plenty of miles in it though.

The other benefit of Ti is the ability to repair it. If it ever does crack I know a guy who can fix it.

Cool collectors item for sure. A very nice footnote in the evolution of road machines.

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mountain biking on road bikes for sure.


This weekend i was looking to defend my state champion title in the crit. I ended up getting boxed in and having about 50 meters to sprint...Not ideal. Came out with 5th but to me it was a good as last place. Pissed as hell but i'm starting to come into shape.

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Thay Moyer frame and for was at the very least 2500. I'm not saying I don't think it's worth it, on the contrary, I HATE that Pinny up there. Too new looking. All that oversized tubing and bullshnikey. Looks like a rocket ship, not a bike. The MOyer, while made in Texas, has a great feel to it, as do all of the frames I've seen from him. It harkens back to mid century precision Italian steel and the true craft of custom bike building.

Fuck the new super sleek stamp out, and get yourself some custom, hand made, good, old fashioned fancy.

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Here's the rest of the flicks on that Moyer. As you can see its a fucking work of art, not just in the "hey this bike will make me look like a million bucks to all the other girl jeans wearing, pink eye liner wearing, pretend to know it all because they heard someone talking about it once, hipsterdouchebags, this bike is made exceptionally well by someone with a real respect for old bikes in the tradition of Hetchins, Gitane, and vintage Raliegh frames.

Dear hipsters.

Suck it.


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I dunno if youd say tried-and-true geometry with sachs lugs is paying respect to Hetchins. That bike is georgous, but maybe the other one he did with the crosing seat stays is a better example, that shit was killing it. Still its hard to compare Hetchins to Moyer.. or anyone.

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Here is the kind of bike I have. I miss riding it so much, I can't wait to move back to Denver, an awesome city for a bike enthusiast. I would probably be dead right now if I tried to ride it around where I live now. The roads are skinny and shitty condition, there is really bad congestion and people just dont/arent used to dealing with bicyclists.



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You can't really compare anything to Hetchins, but I guess my point was that I feel better about people who obviously understand good craftsmanship in the tradition of things like hetchins. Weather they can actually achieve that level is a whole other matter, but I'd rather see people work their asses off because of the love of a well made bike steeped in tradition.

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that shit is dope but yo, nothing surprises me anymore. i seen a mega hipster eyeliner fisher price my first messenger jober riding a MINT Poogliaghi pista. made me fucking sick. at some point i might start lashing out. sad my demise will be at the hands of my anger towards bisexual whiteboys who are just tryingt to fit in...



that white moyer, i feel like the rear brake boss should be WAY tighter to the tire. imho.

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i'm surprised no one gave that moyer shit for running sugino 75's, you guys were giving me so much of that months ago when i brought up the topic.


Well, it definitely seems out of place but why be a broken record? You know how some of us feel about Sugino on a classy bike.

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