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Did a local cicuit race today. Fast, fast, fast. Four Pro's (Priority Health, Health Net, Jittery Joe's & BMC) in the race so everyone else was feeling saucy. I chased down two breaks and tried desperately to get into two others. Each time I bridged the gap I was spent by the time I got there. Didn't matter because every break was brought back into the pack within half a lap. Nobody was letting anything go. It was steady fast from the whistle to go till we crossed the finish line. As everyone sprinted I sat up and watched from the back... crazy people out there risking it for a hobby. Even if it is a cat 1/2 race.

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In other news two weeks of this flaky buyer from craigslist and Im still stuck with the concept. Ive rebuilt it with a concept fork from 55. Steerer tubes got to be eventually cut but for now Im stuck with an inch and a half of nub. Also bought an FSA IS and just running the shitty ole At450 and noname hub that came with the trek 1000 until i find a deal on a new front wheel. Im not tryna be trendy but theres some good deals on HEds and aerospokes within my budget around here.


Hahaha oh and in other news I dropped a Cinelli Aliante built up with campy chorus. It was at this bike shop i tested it at. I dont know what happened really, just took a normal left turn and it fell out from undneath me. Only thing i can think of was the saddle wasnt right so my position may have been off. Campys breaks are fucking fantastic, I just cant stand the ergonomics.

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one of the doofuses that frequents the shop is waiting for a gold one.

i hope he holds his breath (and dies).

there are many dudes who come in who are like the hipsters we all love to hate

but they ride high end road frames and wear their riding gear into the shop

but cannot be bothered to fix their own flats or even adjust their own seats.


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Did a really great century on the old Fuji today. 50 miles of flats and great rolling hills through farm country. Didn't plan so hot for nutrition and the last 20 or so were TORTURE. Still a great ride though. Nothing like 80's japanese steel to zip you around.

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I dont know what you have or if its ten times better, but do it anyway. Take what my dude did with his, and then get Joker to pinstripe the shit out of the frame, and while your at it have him do the same to a rear disc.





Honestly tho, im not a real track cyclist so as far as streets go one bike has just the same amount of go as another. Swedish or Placement would have a better time explaining how good the Concept is. Maybe my positions wrong but i dont feel any faster in the drops on my concept than i did when i had my conversion with its twenty year old sun tour bb and crank. If i can go 25 mph on the flats, im going to go 25 mph on any bike i ride, not 26, and not if i tweak my positioning.

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one of the doofuses that frequents the shop is waiting for a gold one.

i hope he holds his breath (and dies).

there are many dudes who come in who are like the hipsters we all love to hate

but they ride high end road frames and wear their riding gear into the shop

but cannot be bothered to fix their own flats or even adjust their own seats.



hahaha thats so funny you mention this. An ex-teammate of mine was riding this thing last weekend, and i asked when he got the new bike. Turns out its his friends oldman's bike, the epitome of the older fred who has a lot of nice shit.

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This shit is Antonio Banderas. Although ive sworn to never being the asshole buying cages over $8, but dude all you need is some $60 cages and this bike would be my hero.


hahaha the cages...the lighter color cage is actually a carbon cage. I went down to the companys headquarters a few years back to settle some things and they ended up giving me a whole bunch of shit. that one bottle cage is the only thing that is still capable of being used, which is i guess why i got it for free. The other one is a 30 dollar piece of shit. I was racing in canada and had to go to a local bike shop after breaking my previous one. OVER PRICED like a mother fucker.

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Last year I was on an organized recreational century ride that went up Mt. Hood and then down to Hood River... great ride by the way. Anyway, I saw several of these old guys you're all talking about. In fact, I saw one of these older guys riding a carbon Colnago with those exact same Campy Bora Ultra wheels... and they were tubular. Later in the day I heard two guys taling shit about some old dude who was doing the ride with tubular wheels and got a flat, then got pissed that the nuetral service couldn't help him. Apparently the old guy didn't understand the concept of tubulars and the glue and all that business. Some people.


I guess if you're older, you have the money and you want something nice... why not. I see older guys who race the master categories and they have some nice freakin' bikes. Real nice. At least they race though. I don't know if recreational riding a carbon Colnago with full Campy Record and tubes can be justified.


The weather here today is beautiful... why am I on here? Time ot go ride man!!

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I dont know what you have or if its ten times better, but do it anyway. Take what my dude did with his, and then get Joker to pinstripe the shit out of the frame, and while your at it have him do the same to a rear disc.





Honestly tho, im not a real track cyclist so as far as streets go one bike has just the same amount of go as another. Swedish or Placement would have a better time explaining how good the Concept is. Maybe my positions wrong but i dont feel any faster in the drops on my concept than i did when i had my conversion with its twenty year old sun tour bb and crank. If i can go 25 mph on the flats, im going to go 25 mph on any bike i ride, not 26, and not if i tweak my positioning.


for now i'm just entertaining the possibility. i have a bridgestone njs track frame, grand velo model from the 80's. i got a decently good deal on it as well, you'd be hard pressed to find a non-dented keirin frame for $350 now.


i'll be in the bay in about a month, though, if you still have the concept. i need to ride a few more aluminum frames before coming to a decision to buy one.

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PM me when you come down.


Saw Flying Scotsman tonight. What the fuck is up with world class cyclists having insane pasts? Armstrong lost his nads, Obree was peed on, Lemond was touched by his Uncle... who else? The drug epidemic need not apply to make cycling fuckin crazy.

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whenever i put my weight on the crank it creaks and moans. i am assuming it is because its old but i am hoping its some kind of easy fix that i havent been able to figure out.



any help? i really dont have the money for a new crank and creaks kind of ruin the ride.

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iloveboxcars... it could be something as simple as grease / oil needed where the crank arm connects to the bottom bracket or even taking the pedal out of the crank arm, putting some grease on the threads and putting the pedal back on.


Or go to a book store and look at Zinn's book of bicycle maintenance and see if you can't find a solution to your problem in there.

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My journey is at its end at NACCC. Not really... but i didnt qualify for the main race. 1000 people registered, 80 will compete. Shit was rough the qualifying race wasnt long and it was a closed course but top person in did it in 25 minutes and the most i heard from anyone I talked to was 39. I took 37 so im close to fucked. After registration yesterday there was a night alleycat which my friend took first in over all the top competing messengers but placed as far back in qualifying as I did. Were hoping they rule him into the main race just for the alleycat.


Skid comp today too, one new yorker did it naked and wiped out. We all shed a tear for that dude. Interesting to note in the skid comp it wasnt anyone famous who took first. All the mash kids and trackstar kids did okay, but nothing to write home about. Theyre all cool chill people tho, hippies almost, and those GT performer looking bianchi concepts are fucking insane looking.


Tomorrows the main event, sprints and a cargo crusher. Mondays the track day and im most excited for that. My concept will be running for 3 different people since not all messengers ride track bikes and I have friends just as short as me.


Oh and rubbish, I saw about 250 to 300 kids at the skid comp and about 20 pista concepts. The only bike that came close to that many in once place were IRO mark vs and angus.


Pics soon.

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damn, nobody has a concept out in portland. atleast as far as i've seen.


They do... they're just painted. I've seen two. Hipsters, not messengers.


Soup... so you were twelve minutes down on the winner, I wouldn't fret. I'm not sure how much effort you put into training for the race but I would assume if you spent a couple of months prior to the event training at least three times a week... you time would have been dramatically better.

As for letting a guy who's good in the allecat but not the track ride a race based on that... seems a bit weird to me. Two different disciplines. There are guys who are champions on the track and you get them out on the road and they get popped pretty quickly, and roadies on the track aren't as quick as trackies. Just a thought.


If anyone has access to VS. then today is the day to watch the Giro.... it's going to be an uphill slugfest.

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