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Originally posted by alkaline:

10 pages! Bump from the second page.


We should all get together sometime for a Stonecutters’ bike ride. That would be fun, and it would be the perfect excuse to get out of town for a couple of days.




10 pages like whoa. i'm down to do that. i need to get out of the city for a little bit. maybe for just a weekend or so. i'd like to see boston really. and i have friends in philly. so that would be cool.



Stonecutters #1

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hey DIBS, just wanted to let you know i rode a bike the other day bro. just riding around the town shit, but it was bout 3-4 miles in total, on a 18" purple girls frame with a broken gear shifter so i couldnt change it or it would come off track. shit was wicked fun. im working on trying to come up with a bike (since my car blew up) but im too broke to get something decent and not really trying to ride a huffy. fuck it. just wanted to let you know i finally went out...


plans are in the works for a 4 hour trail ride once i get a bike... someday...


leave it up to me to have to 'plan' for a bike ride.


take care bro...


oh, ps, what size frame should i be looking for?

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I think that I could be down for Philly or Boston. I’ve never been to either city, but I’ve wanted to go the Philly for a while. Hesh and Willy wouldn’t have to go anywhere (When are you moving Willy?). Seeking, don’t feel bad about planning for a ride. Between work and other commitments, I usually have to plan too. I envy Hesh, Willy and D’Lush’s boyfriend … they get to ride bikes for a living. How cool is that. If you guys haven’t read it already, you should pick up a copy of The Immortal Class by Travis Hugh Culley. It’s a cool book that’s kind of half messenger autobiography and half bicycle philosophy.




Stonecutters #1


[This message has been edited by alkaline (edited 09-06-2001).]

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That guy kicks so much ass! As for getting a messenger job, that's all part of my plan. I'm working at an office job right now so I can make some money. In a year or so, I might move to a city that has a larger messenger scene, so I can get a job easier. As far as I know Austin only has 1 messenger company (with only a few wmployees) so the odds are stacked against me. Then again, maybe I'm just using my plush job as a crutch.




Stonecutters #1

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keep the plush job while you can. messengering is good for bigger cities anyways. just wait until you get to a bigger place. yea, that guy can get mad hot on the streets. my friend was messengering with that guy in the winter for a bit. crazy.



Stonecutters #1

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i dont think i am moving to philly a lot of shit came up about school and my girl and all that so i think i am gonna stay in boston but a philly or boston ride sounds good as hell. bikes by day trains by nite. stonecutters massive.��


god i sound like a jungle mc that sucks.





teeth and flowerpots. addiction to the soul.



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Hey Seeking,

The size of your bike depends more on your inseam measurement then on your overall height. Check out this link from the REI website. It’s fairly informative, but your best bet is to go to a shop and try a couple of bikes in your price range. Good luck.


Stonethrower #1 ... That's funny.




Stonecutters #1

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sad news willy, i was getting excited.

anyways 10 pages LIKE WOAH!! you guys are welcome t stay at mty dog infested house. it smells but the ac is cold and the roof don't leak. I'd love to see frisco though, and i have some friends out in portland (joker?). i think this stonecutter bike ride would be the shit, lets do it!

i started w/ a new company today, its about time i moved up in the ranks. in only four hours i made what i usually make in a day.

boo ya




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page 2, i do't think so.

i just want my peeps to know i'm an emotional wreck ight now. summed up w/ the words "fuck it all"




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Guest Remy Martin

bikes are good for that crushing stuff.


im a total toy when it comes to bikes...

i have a bianchi mountain bike i picked up for a deal..so i want to get city slicks for it and get comfortable riding on the streets..at this point, im luke sidewalker to the fullest, but where i live was rated one of the worst for pedestrian safety, and thats on the friggen sidewalk..

but anyway..cycling is a wonderfull feeling i like it. i just got a job that i can ride to work to every day and innercity crushing on a bike sounds like the time to be had...

much respect to cats that represent on this thread...





super toy luke sidwalker oner.

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aww man, already did that (not to any real extent). it actually made me even more heated. you need to know philly to understand. lets just put it this way, tallish, skinny, curvy, braided/dreaded, girl w/ a cute accent (eastern european) on my bozack, w/ the girlfriend away on vacation. shouldn't be a drama thing but i'm doubting my relationship right now, at least i made the mature decision to get drunk and catch tags on the way home ALONE!

seeking, if you rode bikes you'd be a "stonecutter". but i like you as a "stone thorower". even thoug your more of a "stone harsh dose of truth".




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i know all about those nights man, ive had more than my fair share of them... ending both alone and with someone else... either way it goes down, you wind up feeling shitty and wishing it was the other. so very often you feel damned either way. i guess this is life huh? fuck it...


how many times do i have to ride a bike? and do i need to own one? cause if you read up a few posts, i rode a bike once last week. it was a girls bike. i think i should get double points for that fact alone. 6'3" crazy dreadlocked tattoo'd guy riding a purple 18" girls bike. if that aint a stonecutter, im atleast on some boxcutter shit.



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left coast...let's bomb the hills here. i'm down. and you can stay at my new place. like what?

in all seriousness, my boyfriend and i are down to ride a stonecutter ride.

and i vote seeking to be a stonecutter too. i mean geez? how more funny can you look on that thing? i don't even have a girls bike. so props to that.

oh remy martin...i love that!!! "luke sidewalker"...you know what's up!


Stonecutters #1


[This message has been edited by Devilush (edited 09-07-2001).]

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET:

i made the mature decision to get drunk and catch tags on the way home ALONE!


i'm proud of you. women all around are damn proud of you. and your girl is lucky. i understand that there is some tempation and that is why you're doubting your relationship. but then again, i dunno how your relationship works with your girl, so i can't say anything. but you did a very good thing. i would give you a hug too. awwwww...



Stonecutters #1

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i am gonna say boston so you guys can see how much it sucks. but anything is clever. id love to go out to the left side and hit some shit it is a money issue seeing as most of the stonecutters are stone broke couriers... fuck noones even mentioned like upstate ny fantastic rides fucking all of us at niagara falls into canada and shit cmon... on a track bike that shit would be hot. tons of cameras tons of bagels and luna bars. oh fuck now you all got me on the dream of niagara trip. shit fuckers.



teeth and flowerpots. addiction to the soul.



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Willy, that would be so killer. I've never been to New York or Canada. Money is a concern for me too, but I was gonna plan a vacation soon anyways, so within the next month or two, I should have the funds. Right now I’ve got about 30 bones to last until next Friday, and I’ve got a house guest this weekend. Has anybody thought about going to Colorado? That could be fun too.




Stonecutters #1

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i like the niagra jawn. im down to head west also, but i have a feeling that might be drama to the fullest w/ the lil lady. we'll see though, somewhere we can paint trains to if possible. but thats not really too important. camping and shit, would be way fun. i'd definantly do it all on a fixie, although the elements is kind of a cool idea.

im feeling better today guy, thanks for the support. got a few jobs in before class this morning, sweat those bad vibes out.

seeking your down foe sheezy.




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she doesn't ride bikes is the thing. weird right? can we camp in sf? like leave the city on some scenic shit and get los in the boonies.




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uh oh dissension in the stonecutters ranks. how the fuck am i gonna get to sf. besides the grl will probably come wherever i go... she loves bikes and trains haha hesh sorry to rub it in your face oh yeah she likes camping too... godamn i am in a shitty mood i need to go for a spin. i just said niagara cuz it looks pretty in pictures ive never been and i know there are yards. for hesh and i to go makeout in cuz his grl doesnt ride hell need some kissy face. god willy go take your little purple pills the dead grl comes back on sunday then life can be somewhat normalized. instead of this mania.

fuck voting the stonecutters aint no democrazy. well yea they are... shit i just dont have the money or time to go to sf but a weekend anywhere but boston is good. fuck ill gor ride in alabama if thats where y'all wanna go just bring me a cowboy hat.



teeth and flowerpots. addiction to the soul.



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