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Universal TV shows two hours twice a day, every day. Been watching that on the regular. Danilo Di Luca is wicked fast on the climbs... intense to watch him keep up such a severe cadence for so many kilometers and then still have the energy to attack. Reminds me of how Paolo Bettini used to ride a few years ago. Inspirational stuff...

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Saying this and then I'm out...

Track geometry makes a lot more sense in the city than people give it credit for. The industry has basically seen "commuter" / "city" bikes as mountain bikes with slicks for awhile. That's all fine if you're 45 and wearing a safety orange vest on your way to work, but for some twenty-something with a lot more stamina, no back problems, an urge for speed, and no real need for comfort, it doesn't really work. Having a higher BB, shorter chainstays for more instant acceleration, different rake and trail to give more "hand steering" and less "lean steering" and all that jazz, makes a lot of sense if you just like to ride like an asshole through traffic and do it regularly. Race an alleycat seriously on a real track bike and then race one on a road bike or cross bike, you'll see what I mean.


When I get lazy in the city though, I way prefer being able to shift gears and squeeze a brake lever.

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I always did better in races on a road bike.


I'm probably a lot closer to 40 than most of you so I don't feel the need to be uncomfortable for the sake of fashion (yes, that's pretty much what it's devolved into). I can see the reasoning behind messengers riding track bikes- after all, I did it for years- but everyone else? It's dangerous under the best of circumstances even if you know exactly what you're doing.


The point is that everyone's luck runs out from time to time. Riding a bike with no brakes and weird handling in heavy traffic can potentially make your luck run out that much quicker. If more people understood that then I think I'd have a lot less anxiety about seeing so many track bikes on the road, but after you've seen some of the shit I've seen (girls riding wearing high heels and no helmet?) you realize how far the trend has filtered down to the consumer level and it's scary.

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I always did better in races on a road bike.


I'm probably a lot closer to 40 than most of you so I don't feel the need to be uncomfortable for the sake of fashion (yes, that's pretty much what it's devolved into). I can see the reasoning behind messengers riding track bikes- after all, I did it for years- but everyone else? It's dangerous under the best of circumstances even if you know exactly what you're doing.


The point is that everyone's luck runs out from time to time. Riding a bike with no brakes and weird handling in heavy traffic can potentially make your luck run out that much quicker. If more people understood that then I think I'd have a lot less anxiety about seeing so many track bikes on the road, but after you've seen some of the shit I've seen (girls riding wearing high heels and no helmet?) you realize how far the trend has filtered down to the consumer level and it's scary.


I agree with most of what your saying except for the weird handling comment. My whole argument is that the handling is a lot closer to what is necessary in the city under a certain style of riding (constant start/stop downtown traffic vs. commuting through quiet residential areas and MUPs). Whether or not the rider is apt to handle that style of riding is another issue.

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I am trying to make a choice between the redline conquest sport and the regular conquest. Compact double or triple. Also I am 6'4-6'5 and I see it only goes up to 60cm. I already ride a bike to small and this seems like it would still be pushing it.





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Universal TV shows two hours twice a day, every day. Been watching that on the regular. Danilo Di Luca is wicked fast on the climbs... intense to watch him keep up such a severe cadence for so many kilometers and then still have the energy to attack. Reminds me of how Paolo Bettini used to ride a few years ago. Inspirational stuff...


could you tell me what stage this was? thanks

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Weird night at the track. I surprised myself and everyone with a solid flying 200m time (on a very shaky, sloppy line) and got placed in men's A cat for my first of the season, and then proceeded to lose all my sprints. I raced a really fast roadie who I've been looking up to for awhile (Joker, a Mr. S.B. from the G.L.'s), didn't initiate the sprint until the last 100m of the race, lost to him and then lost my next race on a 4-up. Another race tomorrow and this time I'm hungry as hell for some results...

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(girls riding wearing high heels and no helmet?)

jesus; i saw this downtown mpls two weeks ago and my jaw dropped.

sundress, fashion hair, oversize fashion (i guess) sunglasses, TRACK BIKE, hIGh hEELs and no brakes. i was and still am thoroughly perplexed.

what/do people think?

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If you want be be alarmed go to a college campus and watch the rising trend of fratties riding brakeless with no clips, seat too low, while texting.


That's sort of what I'm talking about, but the "I've been riding fixies for six months, therefore I'm an expert and you can't tell me shit" types make me way more nervous than the folks who clearly don't have a clue. There's simply no place for hubris on a track bike.


I think it's great that more people are riding bikes, but not everyone should be riding track bikes.

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won first place in my class at the race today. i thougjht for sure id place horribly because the other people in that class were riding gary fishers and specialized's, i was on a walmart bike that cost about as much as one of their tires. but i led the entire race once we got into the woods. it was soaking wet too because it had rained for three days before the race, but i think it made the trail better because i didnt fall nearly as much as usual. the mud kept me from washing out on the turns, it wasnt slick mud just sticky mud and my CX tires did unusually well in the mud. it was fun, just wish it wasnt a charity race and i won something haha

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the ride can be nice, the route i mean.

this one wasnt. we went north then south then north then south. lame.

then we always inevitably end up at damen/milwaukee/north (center of gentrification run its course)

and people do their critical mass stance with their bikes over their heads.


there were i must say some rather nicely kept 80s and 90s road bikes.

the time of the track bike may be beyond us.

ima be ready when all these kids are looking to get rid of their bikes on the cheap.

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i wrote a paper on CM last semester. i don't remember much of it so it must have been pretty shitty... but whatever.


any recs for a fixed wheelset? i'm building one for my brother's birthday and don't have a ton of money... and i'm not about to give him any of the fruity colors he wants, either.

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