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The Nonsense thread


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My crew puff lye, anyone test the Pun must die

Just give me one try -- 'Now you know you done fucked up right?'

Hah, you ain't got no wins in my casa

Que te pasa, you ain't even in my clasa

I hate a actor that plays a rapper

I'm Terror Squad beta kappa everybody's favorite rapper

Grand imperial college material insane criminal

The same nigga who known to blow out your brain mineral

I reign subliminal inside your visual

Try to supply your physical with my spiritual side of this lyrical

I'll appear in your dreams, like Freddie do, no kidding you

Even if I stuttered I would still sh-sh-sh-shit on you

Soon as I chitter chatter you shitter shatter, I'm the kid

out of Bronx, that'll stomp you to death like it didn't matter

I'm even better than before, iller metaphors

Killers bet it all on Pun, cause one verse, dead em all

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New Orleans got destroyed because a hurricane decided to just hit there, which could have easily happened 30 years ago or 30 years from now. It can also happen this year. We just don’t know. New Orleans got further destroyed due to the fact that they decided to build a city in a hole, not a good idea, and it was supported by bad infrastructure. New Orleans had further problems due to bad government, even though there is no great way that it could have been cleaned up. Maybe it helps people sleep better at night to blame global warming. Hey, blaming the government for it’s relief efforts, while somewhat due, definitely makes people feel better. It is clear that whenever something is out of our control the first thing we want to do is blame something. So blame the government for bad relief efforts and blame those responsible for bad infrastructure, but don’t blame global warming! Global warming has enough shit being blamed on it. The only people to blame all the millions of people who have settled in New Orleans over the centuries. This may come as a shock but when you build a city on a swamp and in a hole on the Gulf Coast you are going to get hit by a nasty hurricane and have problems eventually. It is tragic, but it is not because of our car pollution. Next they’ll be blaming a San Francisco earthquake on global warming when the reality is you can’t build major cities on major fault lines and not expect to get shaken up.

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Supermarket Killer: Get back! I got a bomb here! I'll blow this whole place up!

Marion Cobretti: Go ahead. I don't shop here.

Marion Cobretti: All right, just relax, Amigo. You wanna talk - we'll talk. I'm a sucker for great conversation.

Supermarket Killer: [shouting] I don't wanna talk to you! Now you bring in the television cameras in here now! C'mon, bring 'em in!

Marion Cobretti: Can't do that.

Supermarket Killer: Why?

Marion Cobretti: I don't deal with psychos. I put them away.

Supermarket Killer: I ain't no psycho, man! I'm a HERO! You're looking at a fuckin' hunter! I'm a hero of the New World!

Marion Cobretti: [shakes his head] You're a disease - and I'm the cure.

Supermarket Killer: Die!

[points his sawed-off shotgun at Cobretti]

Supermarket Killer: [Cobretti throws a knife that he had concealed. It hits the thug in the abdomen]

Marion Cobretti: Drop it!

[the thug continues pointing his sawed-off shotgun at Cobretti. Cobretti fires 5 rounds from his .45 into the man, who dies. Cobretti walks over to the man & takes the bomb out of his hand]

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