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my fucked up day, the story thread.


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Since everybody's telling their gun stories... let's see... I remember back in high school... this was like '98-'99, after school when I got off the bus and started to walk home. This was broad daylight, like 3:45-4:00 PM in the afternoon.


Well at the stop there's this intersection, well more like a "T" section... one street runs east & west and the other that runs north & south just stops at a dead end at the intersecting street. To give an idea of the scenery at the "top" of the "T" there's a mini-mall with a liquor store, and a hamburger & taco stand... on the "bottom" of the "T" there's an auto shop and some little shops that sell different shit... I was on the "bottom" part of the "T" and the incident ensued on the "top".


So anyways there happened to be no cars on this relatively busy street... and it was the right moment so these two Mexican (or El Salvadorian, don't know...) gangs out of nowhere started squaring off with each other talking shit. There was about 3 or 4 guys from each side... about my age at the time, mid-late teens or early 20's... They both pull out their gats and start blasting at each other from distances, running back and forth and shit. I was just standing there watching from across the street. Then they eventually just melted away and took off and before you knew it they were gone. It all seemed like the shootout lasted 5-10 minutes but it was probably like 30 seconds... Then the usual traffic and people started to pass through the area.


I couldn't believe what had just happened. A shootout in broad daylight and nobody noticed. No cops. No cars. No witnesses. Nothing.


Judging by the area I'd assume it was a shootout between 18th Street (biggest set in Los Angeles) and MCS (Mid City Stoners... AYER LTS was from there by the way [r.i.p.])

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Originally posted by 2BLAZZED

i remeber bak in the day...it was like 97 and this is when the crips n bloods were getting realy bad in bklyn they were everywhere cuttin people for wearin there colors n shit...and i knew this cool as crip kid who lived in my buildin and one time i was comin down the stairs and i was in the lobby of my buildin n he his outside in front of the buildin wit 3 of his crip friends...n a blood dressed up like a crip walked up to make sure they were crip backed up and pulled out a mac-10 (bloods fav gun)..and just started blaaasting away i had to hit the floor cuz he blew out all the windows n was shootin up the lobby too u could hear the bullets flyin by...finally the gun shots stop...get up n there is four dead guys in front of my buildin...i preceded to go upstairs n throw up the rest of they day....still wont forget those eyes....r.i.p. to everyone who died that day..dont want to say names...


damn taht shits crazy

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Originally posted by suburbian bum

I have seen the whole sur 13 gang shit as far north as colorado. I think its nationwide.


Doubt it. Probably just Sur 13 cats who traveled and wrote it. Or wannabes who seen it. But yeah you got Sureno 13 and Norteno 14, Southern & Northern California.

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speaking of stories it was summer of 95 i was living in slc ut i was at a party with this cholo i worked with we were drinking smoking doing what u do at a party so i met this girl and we drank and started to hook up well i was drunk she was hot i lost all sense of time i got snapped back to reality to hear the guy i went to the party with arguing with somedude shit happen they fight over ...not we left bout half hour later a van rools by some guy yells shit at as and then opens fire we run try too hide but cant dud takes slug in back i take fragmeint in leg got the hole to prove it come to find out the dude who opend fire was 14 and trying to make a name for himself cuz his hoimes got there ass beat

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Originally posted by 2BLAZZED

i remeber bak in the day...it was like 97 and this is when the crips n bloods were getting realy bad in bklyn they were everywhere cuttin people for wearin there colors n shit...and i knew this cool as crip kid who lived in my buildin and one time i was comin down the stairs and i was in the lobby of my buildin n he his outside in front of the buildin wit 3 of his crip friends...n a blood dressed up like a crip walked up to make sure they were crip backed up and pulled out a mac-10 (bloods fav gun)..and just started blaaasting away i had to hit the floor cuz he blew out all the windows n was shootin up the lobby too u could hear the bullets flyin by...finally the gun shots stop...get up n there is four dead guys in front of my buildin...i preceded to go upstairs n throw up the rest of they day....still wont forget those eyes....r.i.p. to everyone who died that day..dont want to say names...


fucking traumatic.


one time me n my boys was taking a piss in my friends alley and some whop rolls up in a caddy and says "what are you fucking dogs? of course we talk shit but this fucker flashes a gun. we book obviously and thankfully he didnt blast.


nigga pulla gun on me dawg thats SOS shoot on sight!

just kidding im a pussy. :rolleyes:

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yesterday me and my homie who is a nortenos were at the bustop when 3 scraps came up.....one scrap grabbed my chain and yanked it off my neck...so i clocked him and we started fighting in the street...his other boy comes over and they beat me down to the ground..my nortes homie goes ones with the other scrap, and one scrap walks away...so im going one on one with the faggot who gankd my chain..i was holding him by the hair while i wailed on his face...then this faggot pulls out a ballpoint pen and tries to stab me but i kick him in the stomach....the other scrap picks a chunk of cement off the sidewalk and throws it at me....after a few minutes of fighting and shit talking they take off down the street and the scrap throws my chain in the intersection so i go grab it and walk away


keep in mind i was drunk and faded as fuck when this happened, now i have a splitting ass head ache cus i got clocked a few good times



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  • 5 weeks later...

There's really no gangs in Kentucky, just alot of wiggers. Sometimes they try to act hard but usually they jsut asking you if you want to buy something. I've had wiggers ask me to by something twice. Random shit. One time this wigger was like "Ay dogg you wanna buy a radar detector." I almost laughed in his face.

Dumb kids writes, Crips are comin, or somethin like that. There's really just crackheads where I live, and lots of them. So far in 2004 there have been 18 murders in my city, there's only about 700,000 people where I live.

It's getting to be like Gary Indiana.

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i didnt say it was an event which harmed me in anyway. i said it was a fucked up event, theres been plenty of times when ive been beaten, or dished them out. that just wasnt the case. that happened to me that day, and was wondering if anyone had anything similar happen. your still hate'n on me for some old stupid shit? its the internet kid, get over it. bein drunk and faded aint an excuse either. weak sauce. but i do agree with you,FUCK BEANER ASS SCRAPS. i know how all that is, a friend of mine and i both got beat unconcious during one incident. so i know how it is. thanks for calling me a pussy. you really dented me with that e-beef buddy, go easy on me. *sob*:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: especially since i stated this comment later on in the thread.


the air was alot better after that. man, i wish i wasnt such a puss

go play in the freeway.


edit*ODS we should go around taking fliks of wiggers and make a "random wigger thread":lol:

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