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the NEW sketch thread


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Like all of us or at least many of us know,Israel having problems with the Hamas and Palestinians from Lebanon & Gaza.From the lately events happend in Israel like the Float which was only protecting his country,sacrificed soldiers.

What they did (Hamas)?

Instead of coming in peace they attacked us ! when we came in peace just wanted to check the carriage and the ship.

We had no choice because the soldiers were stabbed and attacked hardly,we were without weapon except paintball ones.

Thats what they were attacked with (IDF):

<a href="


There were more clips but unforten the Youtube.com administration are nazi's and un respectful...All those stuff lead to Lebanon war 3...like happend in 2006 !!

Listen guys,everyone,please...dont believe Hamas & Palestinians !

Look for the truth and dont believe them,we dont kill their kids,mothers.No !

Only the one who try to kills us and destroy.

I said mine..Proud to Fight against the enemy which is Hamas and Palestinians !

There still wasnt born the mother fucker who'll stop us,Israel !


I hope the "great nation" of Israel gets royally fucked for it's barbaric murder of HUMANITARIAN AID WORKERS (sticks or no fucking sticks) in INTERNATIONAL WATERS. One of my mates was injured on the Turkish ship, he's no terrorist trust that.


Nuce shove your rapists pride back into dad's asshole.





/mad nazi ^^^


yea fuck israel, it's not like they're surrounded by people who hate them already


oh wait


on the real krav maga is proof that they need to know how to fuck people up, respect


israel fucked up recently with the whole flotilla ship thing...


but other than taht tis a dope peice nuce..feeling the letters and chars.


fuck u haters

Donnie'sElement u stupid rich kid go back to suck your mom's nipple u mad Nazi

u don't know shit about what happened there so fuck off

the israeli army just wanted to check if there is weapons on the ships and then all those stupid

attacked them

anyway go suck balls

here is some new sketch



All those horny and dumbed Nazi's...seriously do with yourself something...

Your so fucked up that you see what other see instead of trying to find the truth

Turkish can suck my hairy balls..id be glad killing my enemy in the Army next year


ok this is not a debate thread. take it to PM's and fuck off.



zennegen is right , all yall should take the convo to channel zero

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haha don't do what yearz?:D


Earo Np man, I don't have any complete marker or pen set, so most of my sketches are random combinations of whatever i cant dig up. For this one though I useddddd

-Dark Blue Sharpie

-Blue Ink from a Montana Bombing Marker

-Gold Pilot

-Grey Tria Markers (think that's a dead company now though)

-And just shaded the character with a ball point pen. Theres not much science to it for me, just trail and error. Oh and it's just on normal printer paper


I feel like I'm on a cooking show haha

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