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Originally posted by seeking

first i'd like to point out that uncle sammy and seak are both posting from the same computer. which means 1 of 2 things:

A. seak is 'uncle sammy', which would be insanely pathetic.


B. seak called 'uncle sammy' crying about how someone was mean to him on the internet today, so 'uncle sammy' rode his bike over to confront the big bad e-bully and stick up for his 'homeboy'.


which is it guys?






16,824 posts over 4 years of desk jobs...which means i got paid for each and every one of them. not a bad racket if you ask me. of course to be honest, i would have preferred to look at tits, but the damn firewall has porn filters, so i had to settle for graff instead. :(

good try though.


honestly, you obviously know nothing about me, so please, save us both the embaressment of watching you play yourself on here. if you want to criticise my way of handling situations, feel free, but trying to imply that i don't paint just makes you look silly to those that know.

again, good try though.




how long have you been writing? please tell me why exactly i'm listening to you dictate the rules of graffiti to me?! how old are you? 16? 17? child, i was painting when you still had training wheels.

you want 'constructive criticism', here it goes. until he changes his name, nothing else matters.

you can both sit there with all the art-fag bullshit you want, telling me that all the names have been taken and that it doesnt matter, and maybe to you two suckers it doesnt, but to the rest of the world, trust me bro, it does. kid's get cut up for writing the same name. they get their faces smashed and set on fire. now i don't expect you two to understand such a concept, since clearly neither one of you knows the first thing about the history of graff, but trust me on this one, the only 'rep' he'll be able to get is that of the toy that's trying to write 'seak'. every older head in your city will laugh at that kid. if he has any ups right now (which i doubt) they're already doing it, i promise. how do i know? because in my city there is a kid who writes sane, and a kid who writes gray. what happens? everything they put up gets crossed out by EVERYONE just on principal. see, people that actually care about the tradition and history of graff, know that respect is the only thing that matters, and by taking an established 'kings' name, you are not only disrespecting all the work that writer has put in, but also everything that graff is based on. it might not make sense, but trust me, it's how it works. so you two (or one) can sit there and be all mad about how i was so mean to you on the internet, or you can accept that i know what the fuck i'm talking about. either way, it makes absolutely no difference to me.


now how was that for constructive?



Ahh your job allows you to monitor the board, how cute. You researched that we posted from the same computer, which already shows you have issues. ...Not only that, but then you post it for the rest to see....You my friend need to check yourself.

We are different people, I think that is obvious by us both having a different log-in. But you seem to think that we are some e-nerds like yourself, and come up with different little alter ego's or sum shit...Why on the same computer???, not all of us have high-class computer desk jobs like you. We cant pop off money to buy computers. The money I make feeds the family, and takes care of necessities. Can ya catch that concept, or is that another buzz-by???

next thing on your ramble, we both check the site, so we both make comments. I didnt tell uncle sammy to come down and post, cause I couldn't stand up to you. You have a big-ego if you are already making assumptions like that. You are not special. Trust me son, I can hold my own. Something tells me if we met up in real life, you'd tone your shit down. So I would suggest you take off the hot shoes.


Iam sure you would rather look at tits. Does your office door lock to?? To bad for the firewall, or you could prolly enjoy yourself all day. Tits over graffiti? Thats really to bad.



You're right I dont know you, and you dont know me. Its a 2-way street. So technically you wouldn't be playing shit. But keep your E-Ego up cause we have whatchers. Do they all kneal down cause you have the power to ban?? Get the fuck off the high-horse.



The last portion of your babble shows your true hypocrisy. Its sad. All of your judgements are based here on the internet. Have you been to colorado? walked around and seen some shit? NO. So that right their should save you the time from making false judgements. I could sit here and type how long i have been in graffiti, and type about the roots/culture of graffiti, talk about the evolution of different styles... but you know what???? That is bitchmade, I have nothing to prove to you. But I can tell you BEG to be recognized. You keep saying kids get cut-up, smashed in faces....blah blah...You want me to sit here and tell you how "hard" your city is?? Same shit happens here in COLORADO (land of the cowboys and Indians), its america. Graffiti is international, same shit happens everywhere.


"you are not only disrespecting all the work that writer has put in, but also everything that graff is based on. "


FUCK THAT. That is about the stupidist shit I have heard come out your keyboard. I have respect for those who deserve it. And I have respect for graffiti. So quit blindly firing.



Get a grip "homie". Look where this arguement spawned from, then re-evaluate you high ridden comments.....post what you write, if you are so special to the graff world....munchkin'.





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I have respect for those who deserve it. And I have respect for graffiti.

Dude, if you have respect, you should've changed your name by now... I changed my name several times because I didn't want people to confuse me with some other witer. That, and the whole respect deal that goes with it. It's really not that hard... So don't make it.


Also, you're toy as hell. You're the one that needs to "check yourself".




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"I have nothing to prove to you"


then why are you trying?

the problem here is that you can try to insult me till you're blue in the face, but this isn't a case of 'me' vs. 'you'. 'i'm' not telling you you're wrong. the things i'm saying to you are not 'my' ideas, they are the universally practiced 'laws' of graffiti. since you know so much about it's 'history', i'm sure you're familiar with the 5 'rules' from 'the art of getting over'. and since what i've been telling you comes from that, if you're telling me i'm wrong, then you're telling 30 years of graffiti that they are wrong too. given that the whole of 'graffiti' is a pretty formitable opponent, i can't say i blame you for trying to insult me as a diversionary tactic. unfortunately it's completely futile. even if you could triumph over me, and just for the sake of argument, let's say you did that...you really put me in my place...you pulled out a 6th grade year book photo of me with big ears and one collar turned up...the one with the booger in my nose...even if you did that, you're still stuck with terrible letters and some one elses name, so what are you really winning? the glory of making me look dumb on the internet? wow. that should get you a whole lot of rep in the streets, right?


however lets say i 'win', and you realize that you'll never get respect unless you change your name. that means i get all the 'street rep' that comes along with a victorious e-argument, and you get a new name and a chance at some respect.


either way, i still get paid to post.


(this is the last time i'll bother to reply to this, but if you'd like to carry on without me, feel free.)

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Guest Propaganda

Hey guys. Lets cut it. Im not trying to be the internet hero but lets not ruin thread once more. I belive seeking on another thread you warned and proceeded to say you will ban peeps that argue. Not that is a good idea but you are arguing a persist.

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I have just been chillin out and sketchen ... i sleep in my black book now and pick out pieces i think are fresh and paint them like that one u liked fate i painted that on a 8 foot bu 4 canvis .. and i got some pieces from breaklanta that i did i might as well post them they are 8' by 4' canvass's too i sold em at the even... ..





anyways what yall been up too?

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