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Originally posted by ages

nice shit cams. dotcom is a dope name, dont know what it is about it...but i like it.



...dotcom is a pretty well known crew...you guys need to get out more...

...you're actually graced with a real nice sketch and all you can do is say, "that name is dope"...

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Same... that's not even clseo to a burner man, nowhere near. Chill with the weird lines makin up ya letters all jagged and stuff... most of the extra jagged edges on the letters are straight pointless. Just work on ya letters and make em simpler... and practice and practice.


Also ya hand is just... wack, those arrows are killin it, seriously.

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work on your handstyle, first and foremost. I know mine ain't the hottest, but I still know you gotta work on it. Don't do those extrea things. First work on just letters in it... cuz that circle arrow underline and the halo and the star all kill it. And yea the letters aren't that great either... those curvey things liek weird. But yea, just keep workin at that.


And ya piece well you have SOME letter structure cuz at least i can read it. But the letters need more work... so keep practicin them and forget the extra crap also, like the arrows on the C and the T and stuff... just do really simple letters and make em flow nicely by themselves THEN add stuff. It works....


Ya throwie isn't that bad tho.,... probably best outta everyhting lol.

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